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I'm taking my girl to see it for our fourth date, cuz everyone is raving about it. She likes UFC type stuff (but not fake WWF) so I figured she would like the violence. But I hear that it is mostly slow mo and barely violent and bloody at all. To top this off we are catching a late show so I don't want to waste time watching a movie that bores us to death when we could be at my place wrestling.

So is it adrenaline pumping enough to go see together or should we just stay in?

2007-03-26 18:16:57 · 21 answers · asked by 2 PAC 1 in Entertainment & Music Movies

21 answers

Well, there's passion, action, drama, everything practically in that movie. So if it's for a date, sure! I love that movie, the best around ever!

2007-03-26 18:18:51 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

It is pretty bloody and there's a lot of violence in it. And the main characteristic that the casting directors were looking for was rippling abs. There is not a single shot in the whole movie that is not wallpapered with 6 and 8 packs heaving and flexing. It's a pretty good movie and it's a great story even with all the changes made in it for Hollywood. But if I were you, I would stay home and wrestle with that pretty little girl you've got. That's better than any movie.

2007-03-26 18:29:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I really liked 300.....I guess it all depends on the girl.....it was pretty violent, but it had a very good story line and was based on actual events, the men also all had amazing bodies (if any girl didn't like this movie she has problems, lol) I would say go for it if she likes ufc, she is obviously a fan of those types of movies!! Everyone I know that saw it liked it....and I also saw it w/ my boyfriend...lol!!

2007-03-26 20:48:50 · answer #3 · answered by laramill1234 2 · 0 0

EQUILIBRIUM. i in my view enjoyed this action picture and the action is especially such as the Matrix. placing: If I submit to in techniques properly, the action picture is desperate sooner or later sometime after the 0.33 worldwide conflict which heavily cripples humanity. in order that humanity on no account lower back has a conflict, the government stumbled on the thank you to suppress thoughts with using drugs that are had to be taken each and on a daily basis. the government believes that devoid of thoughts, there can not be anger and hatred, which potential no conflict. because of this, something that promotes thoughts are banned, which potential all varieties of paintings is unlawful. PLOT: on an identical time as thoughts and paintings are banned, there are people who do not choose to grant them up. a particular police rigidity searches for and destroys paintings and their vendors. inspite of the undeniable fact that, between the main considerable leaders of the police rigidity starts to experience thoughts himself and realizes that it particularly is misguided to dam thoughts. His help for experience offenders, people who experience thoughts, sparks a revolution against the government. P.S.: the 1st jiffy of the action picture could seem ridiculous, yet in basic terms keep watching. i in my view just about provide up watching the action picture once I observed the commencing up, yet now i'm happy I watched the full factor.

2016-10-20 00:44:47 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I haven't seen it but from all I've read and heard it seems it is a "love it or hate it" thing. Half think it's "awesome" and the other half were bored to tears.

The bored half are enough for me to keep my money or spend it on a different flick. A strong opening but only two weeks at number 1, then knocked off by the ninja turtles? Hmmm...

2007-03-26 18:21:31 · answer #5 · answered by Lost Panda 5 · 0 0

not at all. Too much blood, unless the girl is into the stuff i would stay away.

Go to 'Starter For 10' Or 'Namesake'

Also say that you enjoyed the movie, because they're both chick flicks and your girl will think your a sweety.

2007-03-26 18:25:21 · answer #6 · answered by gocougars1992 2 · 0 0

300 is adrenaline pumping indeed as it is bloody and violent sure no boredom movie with cut heads spinning around.With some hideously deformed guys,I'll recommend it only if your girl is on to that kind of stuffs.

2007-03-26 19:28:52 · answer #7 · answered by starjammer 3 · 0 0

Definitely adrenaline pumping, definitely violent and bloody. I don't know where you heard that it wasn't. Very entertaining movie.

2007-03-26 18:19:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's probably one of the most exciting action movies made in years. However, don't go if you can't handle your girlfriend staring at Gerard Butler's rippling chest and leather wrapped package.

2007-03-26 18:26:04 · answer #9 · answered by Cacaoatl 3 · 0 0

I freaking loved it. Idk who told you it's not very bloody or violent. it's about war... so... there's violence. But it's definately worth the money of you like that action stuff. Did you ever see gladiator? Like it? Then i'd say do it. I actually went to a double date to it... both we girls loved it, and our boyfriends had a great time.

2007-03-26 18:20:52 · answer #10 · answered by LoveisfirE 3 · 0 0

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