Everyone loves Star Wars. Some people just haven't come out of their galactic closet yet.
2007-03-26 17:34:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Okay, I was the same way, but it was a really long time ago, when they use to have the show on the Ewoks, or maybe It was just the movie. When Episode 2 came out, my friend begged me to go with him (seeing how I was really into him I went) and then BAM! Hayden Christiansen. Looking uber hot as Anakin. I had seen Episode 1 when it came out but being a teachers aid at a day care I really didn't get a chance to sit and watch it. I went 8 times to see Episode 2 cause I really got into it. I also wanted to be a director, and I would watch it over and over again to critic George lucas's talents. When Ep. 3 came out I didn't get to see it in the theaters, but I heard good things (from someone who I begged to go see Ep. 2 with me, but she swore she'd never go to see a Star Wars movie, she was a trekky!) She loved it. I think Star Wars is one of those movies that when you watch it you can't help but love it and it will always be a classic series, but most kids today won't get what it means for theater and won't get you. If you like it, don't just stop liking it cause everyone else thinks it's lame. Later on down the road, you'll feel as if you gave up part of you. With that being said, do you think it's cool?!
2007-03-26 21:29:57
answer #2
answered by Melissa Breazeale 2
Do whatever you want. Who's going to stop you? Star Wars came out just before I was born. I was a huge Star Wars fanatic. I dressed up as Luke from Jedi for Halloween. I still have my old action figures and records somewhere.
2007-03-26 17:34:12
answer #3
answered by Underground Man 6
Well, yes! Of course! You have your own obsession I have mine. You'll just have to get used to the people that doesn't think it's cool. I'm not such a fan but I think Star wars freaks shouldn't be getting that image as a childish geek.
2007-03-26 18:17:12
answer #4
answered by hilder 3
Hi its good that you have an interest no matter what it is , there are heaps of people out there that are exactly the same as you they love star wars it is very popular, keep it up its very cool there is probably a star wars fan club out there cheers
2007-03-26 17:40:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
enable's desire not. In a perfect international, a remake could be a great concept, they'd have the great lightsaber battles that the recent ones delivered us (the only element they did nicely) a clean forged, sleeker backgrounds, and extra specific outcomes than we could understand what to do with. besides the shown fact that for the period of the genuine international, we could finally end up with a undesirable amalgam of a trilogy that purely ended up alienating the followers and making George Lucas extra funds. The casting in the recent 3 video clips grew to become into undesirable. Liam and Ewen have been the only 2 stable possibilities for those video clips. So we could finally end up with worse actors than Harrison, Carrie and Mark. They locate some thank you to place Samuel Jackson in there, and he's completely a god undesirable Jedi. Then that they had redo each and all of the area battles with CGI particularly of fashions. The CGI battles appeared great, yet they weren't as stable because of the fact the unique. fashions provide weight and intensity to the scenes, jointly as CGI seems fake, no rely how nicely performed. ultimately, Lucas has already messed with the originals as quickly as, and we ended up with a lame Jabba, Guido shooting first (making Han look susceptible) and a slew of different "reimaginings". If he grew to become into allowed to redo the classic video clips returned, we could have each and every alien representing a racial stereotype, Chewbacca could get replaced via Jar-Jar, and look could scream Wheee whilst he shot down a tie fighter. we could pass away the stable video clips on my own and function them make new ones. besides the shown fact that like the poster above me reported, they have not made something "new" in extremely a jointly as. There are remakes, sequals, and crossovers (from books, television shows, comics and toys). i would be unable to attend till they make the "Jem and the holograms" movie.
2016-11-23 18:25:11
answer #6
answered by neverson 4
At least with "Star Wars" we are talking about 30 years of legacy. Film making that had to INVENT processes and push the envelope to exist. I'd say appreciating "Star Wars" makes sense.
I'm still at a loss to figure out the whole "Pirates" thing! (Is it Deppitis?)
2007-03-26 17:57:01
answer #7
answered by Lost Panda 5
It's O.K don't worry, there millions of fans of Star Wars all over the world, look it up on the Internet you will find clubs, sites, blogs, meetings, signing sessions etc...on the Internet.
Have fun with it it's a nice hobby!
2007-03-26 17:52:31
answer #8
answered by Chantal D. 6
ARE YOU KIDDIN ME?!?!?!?! there is NOTHING embarrassing about being a star wars fanatic. i love star wars....i dream one day of hangin at the cantina on endor and getting to fly an x-wing. and who the hell couldnt use a light sabre? i think that they are probably the most effective/useful items ever. the force could bring peace to a world where jedi knights reign supreme. oh yes my friend....star wars is alive and well in this fans heart. not so much george lucas....but i love star wars.
2007-03-26 17:39:02
answer #9
answered by Asskick M 3
It's as cool as you want it be.
If that is what you love, then great!
You will have plenty of company in the Star Wars universe :)
2007-03-27 12:50:59
answer #10
answered by ElectricLemon 2