I rarely get mad at anyone, as I dont associate closely with many people. When they do upset me, I do not hesitate in letting them know how I feel.
2007-03-26 15:17:40
answer #1
answered by Bistro 7
I always say what's on my mind! If I'm mad at someone for something that they did, they should know about it so they don't end up doing the same thing again. Or else they'd just make me angry again for doing the same sh*t all over again. So yeah i let people know if I'm mad or angry or happy or whatever I'm feeling.=)
2007-03-26 23:16:55
answer #2
answered by Sazziable 6
I tell everyone where I am coming from. This does include if I am mad with them as well as the reason I am mad at them.
2007-03-26 22:18:59
answer #3
answered by GRUMPY 7
I absolutely make it known immediately - I absolutely loathe when people just storm off and dont talk to you for days, as if you're a mind reader - so I never do that to people.
2007-03-26 22:17:20
answer #4
answered by radiancia 6
telling them is best
because they might not even know they did anything, and then how could they be expected to figure it out?
if i made someone mad, i would want to know, not have to try and guess.
2007-03-27 04:52:11
answer #5
answered by soren 6
I usually tell people and get over it. I can't stand holding a grudge takes to much of my energy.
2007-03-26 22:17:40
answer #6
answered by ~•over the moon•~ 4
I tell them firmly and gently what is wrong,if they choose not to listen and get bent out of shape,I walk away and do something different!
2007-03-26 22:18:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
of course, im not letting them get away with it, they should know so they don't do it again. I want someone to tell me if i have upset them so i could fix it.
2007-03-26 22:17:50
answer #8
answered by Lauren_Ann20 5
I confront it immediately so it doesn't get weird. Unless it's something that's not a big deal then I can just let it go.
2007-03-26 22:37:49
answer #9
answered by THATgirl 6
Yeah I tell people how I feel. I don't want to have it pent upinside and be stressed out.
2007-03-26 22:18:31
answer #10
answered by ♦ Phoenix Rising♦ 6