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Who thinks LC is one of the pretiest girls ever and shes not weaved or exstenione dup or overlly made and glammed up she like a regular girl you see at the mall but is striking who else thinks shes gorgeous she like the only girl ive ever really been attracted to i get butterflys when i see her on TV and if i met her in real life i would be intrested in her and Im gay. Who agrees.

2007-03-26 15:07:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

5 answers

I think LC is a very attractive young woman...but more importantly, she is REAL, and wouldn't pull half the crap that Heidi, Jen and even Kristin do to their friends....she's seems like a loyal and honest friend, and that alone makes her beautiful in my eyes....

2007-03-26 15:42:08 · answer #1 · answered by kate 5 · 0 0

She's not too bad. I don't think she's horrible. I'm sort of into the Hills, but haven't watched anything close to the complete season. I watch some shows, I guess. I also like Heidi, but Brody and Spencer aren't that cool. I'm not against them or against guys, I personally just dislike Brody and Spencer! Heidi has a cute smile, it's sort of America's Sweetheart but also kind of "no, I've got more!" She's got a wild side and isn't afraid to show it. That's more Lauren actually, she's the one with the wild side, but Heidi's definitely timid and shy. I like both the girls, though. They're cute, but I'm not gay!

2007-03-26 15:33:54 · answer #2 · answered by sPrInG LiLY 6 · 0 0

I think that she is really pretty and I love The Hills and loved her on Laguna Beach. I hate Heidi and Spencer!! I hate that they make her cry!!! I also hate JASON, oh, I would love to see him in a dark alley!! Yeah she's gorgeous but I'm in love with Jennifer Garner, if I were a lesbian she would be my dream date!! I'm so sad....my favorite movie is 13 going on 30, I even named my daughter Jenna....so sad!

2007-03-26 15:16:10 · answer #3 · answered by nbowie414 1 · 0 0

What pisses me off about LC is the fact that she's ALWAYS trying to say insightful things. And she sucks at it too! She ends up looking more moronic then before when she had her mouth shut.

2007-03-26 15:41:40 · answer #4 · answered by Kipper to the CUP! 6 · 0 0

I think she is gorgeous and I am a girl! As a matter of fact I am watching the hills right now!!!

2007-03-26 15:14:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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