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i am very intrested in making a medely of my favorite songs and if anyone can help i would highly appreciate it! thanks!

2007-03-26 14:53:16 · 4 answers · asked by rachel :] 1 in Consumer Electronics Music & Music Players

4 answers

I hate Limewire and all the pirates on there.

Here's what you do:

You should have Window's Media Player. Download the latest version at the link below. You can sign up for Urge.com and get unlimited number of songs for only $15 per month (the first 14 days are free!). Then you can create playlists and listen to what ever songs fit your mood for any day!

Then, you can get MP3 players to take your music with you (the songs you get off of Urge.com can be put on an MP3 player). Or I got a Zune which has the same format, but Zune is the best player out there. iTunes will NOT do what those others do....

2007-03-26 15:20:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Limewire! Everyone loves Limewire.
If you're trying to mix them down into one track, there's a very simple-to-use freeware program called Audacity that might interest you. Just import the tracks and place the beginning of each track right after the end of the last. Using your mic, you could even be your own DJ inbetween (or over) tracks.

2007-03-26 14:58:37 · answer #2 · answered by Rey Gamberro Salvador 2 · 0 1

Download Audacity for free at http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/ .

2007-03-26 14:55:53 · answer #3 · answered by Mickey Mouse Spears 7 · 1 0

YOU can't you need someone like me who can mix them fo you!

2007-03-26 14:56:50 · answer #4 · answered by McWordless 2 · 0 2

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