You are right, it is really stupid - but it surely isn't limited to black people. What really amazes me is when you hear one persecuted group complain they should not be persecuted, while they turn around and persecute another. We all need to realize that we are all just people trying to live our lives, raise our families and mind our own business, generally. Live and let live folks!
2007-03-26 10:20:15
answer #1
answered by carole 7
There is a racism directed at many ethnic groups, not just blacks.
And there is discrimination leveled against many groups, not just blacks.
For instance, I am a Roman Catholic and have encountered prejudice, ridicule and discrimination because of it. But I don't let it upset me too much.
People often fear what they don't understand or don't know much about.
I was also subjected to a lot of hate and racism when I attended an all-black school, but again, I did not let that get me down and I still made some friends.
Just try to be understanding of why people react in these ways and do what you can to end ignorance.
2007-03-26 17:22:07
answer #2
answered by Veritas 7
I absolutely have to agree. I live in Alabama so when I was younger I would hear the most outrageous stories from white Christians about how black people weren't human! I mean I remember hearing this when I was like 10 and even then I knew these people were ignorant and horrible people. Just ignore them. I'd like to say that eventually it'll go away, but it seems like human nature to hate.
2007-03-26 17:19:58
answer #3
answered by Tania La Güera 5
wow, that's what i think. I mean skin is skin, it doesn't mean anything about who you are inside. I'm not black, I'm Hispanic and i go to a school where its mostly made up of white kids, and they make their "mow my lawn" jokes, and I've learned to just look at them and laugh. I think they do it because inside its easier to point a finger instead of looking at your own problems. When you call someone ugly, its makes you feel pretty, and that's horrible to say, but its true.... And people are always trying to make themselves feel better, and i guess it gives them a sense of power, but when you can ignore their hurtful words, and know why they are doing it, it makes you look like the bigger person, and you rob them of the power they were trying to achieve.
2007-03-26 17:25:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes the God I serve does hate racism. I believe he created all of us, and although the world does not treat us equally, God created us all equal. I'm not racist in the least bit, and when I have children I intend on raising them to treat all people the same.
2007-03-26 17:19:59
answer #5
answered by Vinyleyes 5
Listen, stupid, when people or groups see opportunities they take it. The worl judges its books by its covered. People hide behind religions so they can have power and profit. They do what they must do, and ignore the word of God. We may interbet the holy words of Gods, and have many views on it, the world is full of miss intrepetations. You must decide that if we are here, than God put us on the planet for a reason. We are all the same in the inside, every organ, every heart, every mind we are connected into a interconectical concord. No man can speak the word of God, but God may talk to man, and tell the world that he loves us. But man may love God, but hate the other man next store. We ought to account for this, it is a miss intrepetation, and we must understand it, and correct it. In this world we take every opportunity it is presented to us, that is why, we are different, we judge things by its looks not by its true nature. We are the children of God, we may not like each other, but we take every advantage to judge things by its covered, skin, color, no matter we are the same in the inside.
2007-03-26 17:23:27
answer #6
answered by GoAndComeback 1
The only reason black ppl are black is because living in the deep son of africa made there skin pigments change into a black color to protect against the heat. It's religion that causes racism, because if science was more important ppl would have found out what i just said centuries ago
2007-03-26 17:20:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Simply because they are stupid and you are better than that. Don't let it get to you, just be glad you have been born with more morals than those people could have in a million years. Trust me, I understand how you feel. They say the same thing about us Mexicans and you just have to prove all of their stereotypes wrong. =)
2007-03-26 17:55:16
answer #8
answered by Kunggpao 4
I know what you mean. Some people say the same bad thinks about Mexicans.
They just don't have a heart or good feelings for people that don't look exactly like them.
2007-03-26 17:18:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
well as far as your faith goes i;m sure racism is a horrible in his eyes. racism against anyone is wrong and people who think that any race is superior to another is ignorant. but the problem is people have trouble letting go of the past. they can't accept change so they react to it negatively. if this didn't occur then the world would be a better place for all of us
2007-03-26 17:20:20
answer #10
answered by Dri G 3