One way is if she sayss she is doing or going somewhere and you find out she wasn't, that's a way, but, don't stalk her, maybe just show up if you know that's where she's going, another is if she doesn't return your calls or such, and then blows it off, when you just say nicely, what have you been doing, that's something, but, the plain fact to find out which most lie if they are cheating is to ask, am I making you happy, or is there something you want to tell me, being nice, play dumb, another sign of cheating is the cheater usually accuses the other one that they are cheating, which in reality they are the one's doing it. You need reason to think she's cheating, not just how to tell, because she may not be cheating and has something personal going on with family or something she is embarrassed about, or doesn't want to talk about...don't just assume she's cheating, until you have concrete proof, and don't go accusing her of it, she will become angry,which usually tells you the answer, if she had nothing to hide, she wouldn't get mad, but, you need to be confident in yourself, and not worry she is cheating, because unless she has given you good reason to believe it, and not other people just telling you, you need to be confident in yourself enough to let it come out, and believe me if she is, one way or another you will find out, it never fails...something I did when I was younger and also with my ex about things I wanted to know, were, I would say, such and such say they saw you with such and such, and see what they say, like the boyfriend in high school, I had gone out of town, and was curious myself, and said, someone said they saw him with a girl, and he got all upset/mad, and then said, I was just out with her, because you were gone, which I immediately said "bye" and that was that, with the ex-husband, it wasn't cheating with someone, but, with drugs, and told him after he got kicked out of rehab, I or someone saw him with his dealer, and he said, I was just saying good-bye, which I knew was a lie, because he got kicked out of rehab for the drug he was put in there for, so I went straight to an attorney and filed for divorce. I don't know you situation or how long you have been with her, and if you two and by that you and her have agreed to only see one another, why you think she may be...but, usually your gut feeling will give you the answer, but, don't go and jump to conclusions, it maybe something she just doesn't want you knowing about, and has nothing to do with cheating...hope it all comes out ok, but, if she is, and you both have said, you wouldn't date other people, then you don't need her...also, I was engaged one time, after I was divorced, and had a key to his house, and we were planning a trip, and I had to work, and we were leaving after I got off work, which I got off hours before, all excited got my stuff and headed to his house, saw a purse through the window, but, went in like I normally did, he gave me the key, and there he was having candle light dinner with someone, and they wouldn't turn around, and he said, why are you here now, I said I got off early, which I guess is a good thing, and he literally was pusing me out the door, and said it wasn't anything, which I wasn't stupid, I threw the key at him, told the you know what to show their face, so I could see who threw three years of my life down the drain, which he kept pusing me out the door, and I left, and never went back. He came a few weeks over to my house, drunk as a skunk, crying, begging me back, and I told him he was trespassing he better leave, but, he was so drunk I didn't want him driving and took his keys, and he went crazy, it was pouring rain at the time, I sent my kids down to my mom's and he started going nuts saying I want my keys, and I called the cops, which he didn't know, and then all of a sudden he through a chair through my almost room size window, breaking it, like a 1000 dollar window, the police showed up, he was sitting in the middle of the road in the rain, which is kinda funny now, but, they said, that's going to cost a fortune, do you want to press charges, I said, no, they said, well, whether you do or not, we are, because he's outside in the night, sitting in the rain, drunk and in the middle of the road, so I got my brother to take me down, he had to pay for the window, wasn't allowed to come or call me, and never heard from him again.. Just, don't jump to conclusions till you have proof, and remember you are better and if they are cheating, they don't stop, move on to someone who won't, which isn't a guarantee with anyone, but, you can find someone who respects you enough to move on...I hope she's not, and all turns out fine...if I had more to go on could give you plenty more things to find out, but, make sure, you do not follow her or stalk her trying to find out, you will end up the bad one, and possibly in be cool, and it never fails if they are cheating it will come out, but, also if you feel like this now, just think if you were married, things don't get better, and when you love someone you shouldn't have to worry if they are cheating so I might start looking at myself, which I don't know the two of you, and also look at her and think about you shouldn't have to worry about this...good luck
2007-03-26 10:42:10
answer #6
answered by Confused 3