I haven't done conclusive research, but off the top of my head, your theories sound like they make sense.
Also, conservative Christians are much less likely to live together - kind of along the lines of #1. My guess is that young people from less "traditional" backgrounds are more open to living together, even for a long time.
Another factor also is that many couples from minority groups, e.g. Asians and Asian Americans, have a low rate of divorce. This may have less to do with religion, and more to do with culture. In California, for instance, there are many Asians and Asian Americans, and the divorce rate, I believe, is lower, especially among older people.
Just another factor.
2007-03-26 11:47:18
answer #1
answered by thedrisin 5
WOW !!! Wish I felt like writing a book here.Truth of the matter is that I will say Ditto to everything you said, except I do not believe sleeping around till you find one that fits, is right at all. If they hold out for marriage, and both are madly in love with each other, and if there should be a problem,then they work it out together.
There are not enough morals today and to many couples do not work together to make a happy home. Communication with each other is a must.Before marriage as well as after.
My husband & I are ACTIVE Southern Baptist born again christians, married 54 years.We are happily married, and we could have parted ways many times, we worked at every thing that came up and the older we got, the more stupid some of those problems seemed to be as we looked back.
We retired from the U.S Military, have 5 grown happily married children and we are looking forward to growing old together.
May you be blessed in the work you do~~~~~~Jill
2007-03-26 13:23:21
answer #2
answered by Jill ❤'s U.S.A 7
I agree with your theories. I dated a christian guy (I am christian also) who wanted to get married after 2 months of "dating". His #1 reason was because of temptation....a big no-no in my book. After I refused the marriage and stated that I needed to date at least a year to learn more about him, he became resentful and started acting like a complete jerk....great thing I wasn't in a hurry or I would have been somewhere filing for a divorce. I see this behavior allot among the christian community, but no one wants to talk about it.
2007-03-26 09:00:16
answer #3
answered by Fireanddesir 2
My theory is that the church doesn't care anymore.
I am a member of a Southern Baptist church and so is my unfaithful ex-wife.
They didn't seem to care when she had her affair. They were too busy being worried about gay marriage.
I believe the stats are different for the folks who attend weekly, as opposed to those who just associate themselves with a certain denomination. However, based on my experience with that lack of concern and failure to apply biblical church discipline to try to entice my ex back into fellowship with the body of believers, frankly, I'm shocked that the divorce numbers are as LOW as they are
2007-03-26 08:55:45
answer #4
answered by camys_daddy 5
I am a Christian and I stuck out a 23 year abusive marriage.Then one day he told me that he was leaving to go be with a"lady".I told him fine but to never try and get back with me.He had committed adultery so I got the divorce.I do believe the divorce rate for Christians is higher in older couples.I would go so far as say that one is a believer the other not.Unevenly yoked when it came to their beliefs.Seen it, lived it, will never do it again...
2007-03-26 09:54:30
answer #5
answered by Maw-Maw 7
The report states that this might properly be because of fact youthful human beings, actual people who locate themselves Baptist or born back, tend to marry plenty youthful instead than stay jointly or have premarital intercourse. i grew to become into as quickly as somewhat bowled over on the divorce value myself! might desire to be there are extra athiests who're purely residing mutually, with out the earnings of marriage? it is going to then follow that thinking fewer are transforming into married, fewer might desire to be getting divorced. It grew to become into exciting to word that we Lutherans have an identical divorce cost because of fact the athiests, yet we glance down on premarital intercourse and cohabitation and uphold the sanctity of marriage. Hmmmmm.........
2016-10-20 12:08:16
answer #6
answered by graviett 4
Genesis ch 2 God sees man was alone,and it wasn't good,so he takes a rib from the man and creates a woman for the man,God brings the woman to the man,and Adam says,this woman is bone of my bones,and flesh of my flesh,for "THIS CAUSE"shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife....For what cause?Because the woman was taken out from man and created for man,the woman is flesh of Adam's flesh,and bone from his bones.In Matthew ch 5 and 19 Jesus says,what God has joined in marriage,no man can separate.If you divorce and marry another,you and the one you married are in adultery.1 Corinthians ch 7 is "the principles of marriage" chapter and it starts,it is good for a man not to touch a woman.Nevertheless,to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife,and let the wife have her own husband.The husband hath not power over his body but the wife,and likewise,the woman doesn't have power over her body but the husband.You marry to prevent fornication or burn.God created marriage,and he alone makes the rules..Now in Revelation ch 19 is Jesus returns as a groom prepare to be joined to his wife(the church)in the "Marriage Super of the Lamb of God."Jesus is joined to his church and made as one(complete)with his church,just like a man is joined to his wife as one when he marries her.....With Adam,1 man was made into 2 people,when a man marries his wife,he becomes one with his wife.2 people become 1.And in the marriage between Jesus and his church,2 become 1.1 Corinthians ch 15 calls marriage a mystery of God's.All men fall short of God's glory,including the prophets of the Bible,it's about reconizing sin,who gave their life for your sin because they loved you so much,and who and why he was sent.Repent the sin and invite Christ in your life and sin no more,or repent again.God knows your heart better then you.He knows if your truely sorrow for disobeying him,His the one person you can never lie too.I Corinthians ch 9 or 11 has as God the Father is above all,and Christ is the head of the church,man is the head of the woman.It's God's order of authority and to change it,is disobeying the Father,the creator.
2014-12-19 05:23:05
answer #7
answered by ? 2
I have never seen any statistics to support you argument. I am a Christian and have been married 20+ years and have never considered divorce. A very high percentage of my Christian friends have happy marriages. I think true Christians work harder at their marriages and many people who say they are Christian probably don't truly lead a Christian life of Bible study, prayer, and church attendance.
2007-03-26 09:07:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2017-02-17 20:52:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Easy, they are human like the rest of us.
2007-03-26 08:57:54
answer #10
answered by swiss girl 3