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2007-03-26 08:33:16 · 22 answers · asked by fordguy55 1 in Sports Hockey

And why people, that was part of the question. Give me a reason for your pick.

2007-03-26 08:51:14 · update #1

22 answers

I guess I have to go with Joe Sakic. The man still puts up 30+ goals a season. He also at this point has 56 assists this year. He makes everyone around him a better player. He still has the skills to be a #1 center, yet is a leader. Who wouldn't want Sakic to be their mentor when they enter the NHL?! He's a prove winner, a champion, a captian, and a leader.

2007-03-26 10:03:45 · answer #1 · answered by oni_link_04 5 · 1 0

Thornton because the is perhaps the best center in the game and although Crosby may have more points the impact Thornton has on a team as a leader and player are more than anyone else. I mean look at San Jose before they had Thornton they were playing pretty bad and were playing unmotivated the the Thornton trade goes down and BOOM the Sharks suddenly become one of the top contenders in the West because Thornton single-handedly revitalizes a team formally headed to the bottom of the western conference. He turns Cheechoo into a 50 goal scorer and because of Thornton the dynamic duo Cheechoo and Thornton win the top offensive awards the Art Ross and the Maurice Richard Rocket and not only that but San Jose Captain Patrick Marleau's production increased drastically because now teams have to worry about containing two impressive Sharks scoring lines taking the pressure off Marleau and increasing his production. This year Cheechoo goes into major slumps but Thornton charges ahead and takes his new line mates who were practically unknown before like Milan Michalek and Ryan Clowe and turns them into a formidable unit and makes them 20-30 goal scorers. Look at the impact he left on Boston and what happened to them when he left. . .Boston was consistently making the playoffs with ease and was even 2nd in the eastern conference until Thornton was traded and they dropped to 13th last year and this year will not make it and have done poorly as well. San Jose meanwhile has become a team to fear in the playoffs and even beat Nashville in the first round last year. The impact Thornton makes on whichever team he has played on is too great to ignore he is the player I would build my team around from scratch!!!

2007-03-26 16:37:12 · answer #2 · answered by Aries 3 · 0 0

Considering his maturity, skills, competiveness, and age... I find it hard to believe that everyone here would really pick anyone other than Sydney Crosby right now if they really had to pick. Either there is the usual backlash against a superstar going on here (which I, not being a Pens fan, have admittedly participated in), or we have a bunch of homers here. If I got to choose one player to build around, of course I would pick Crosby. He might not be the next Wayne Gretzky, but he is the only sure thing on the list. 2 straight 100 point seasons in a row and he's not even 20!? Give me a break. How can you possibly pick anyone else?

2007-03-26 16:53:12 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 1 0

Eddie Belfour or Martin Brodeur, Why because you need a real deal goalie that can win games for you even if you don't have a good team in front, These two goalies have proven time and time again why they are hall a fame goalies, Why they have the cup and why they are two and three on the all time wins list so start with a great goalie and build from there.

2007-03-26 16:34:02 · answer #4 · answered by babyjs20 2 · 0 0

Despite the fact that I seemngly have to post 100 times a day that Crosby is NOT better than Gretzky and the penguins are NOT winning the cup this year, I don't see how you can pick anyone other than him.

2 100 point seasons and he is still very young, it is SCARY to think how much better he is going to get. He may not reach Lemieux and Gretzky levels (which is OK, nobody else did), but he WILL have seasons where he gets 150 or more points. That kind of production makes your whole team better.

2007-03-26 17:15:01 · answer #5 · answered by clueless_nerd 5 · 0 1

Well, if you were in this situation and said any player other than Crosby-FIRE YOURSELF NOW. For htose who said anyone who is over 30-yes, even Brodeur-FIRED. Why anyone would say anyone who has only a few years left is out of their mind.
Recchi LOL-Kopitar LOL- Drew Stafford---My good God, he was in the AHL for a reason, he will be a good player but not even worthy to be on their opening day roster when you have 18/19 year olds that skip the AHL. Foolish.
The only others that could/should even be considered are Ovechkin or a Phaneuf.

2007-03-26 19:34:55 · answer #6 · answered by Bob Loblaw 7 · 0 1

marty brodeur
everyone always says the most importanat player on your team is your goalie and he is the best you can get. also a team would crash and burn without a good goalie. since he is also a veteran he has always been a leader. he may not be able to wear a C or an A but he said he imagines that it's there but invisible. he also knows alot about the game..not just for the defense but for the offense and is very observational. he's also a great leader in the locker room
sorry i said also alot

2007-03-26 15:58:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Niklas Lidstrom. Why?

1. He's a veteran.
2. Multiple Norris trophy winner.
3. Team captain----- leader on and off
the ice.
4. Always among the top 5 in scoring
for defenseman.
5. Doesn't get rattled.
6. Logs nearly 30 minutes of ice time
every game.
7. Steve Yzerman once said about
Lidstrom that "he's irreplaceable".

2007-03-26 21:07:22 · answer #8 · answered by Snickers 2 · 1 1

Crosby, he has the talent to make everyone around him better, not to mention he can carry the team himself if need be (did you see the goal where he was in the middle of 4 Canadiens and still scored!?!?!). A second guy would definatley be a great goalie though like Brodeur (but he is getting up there in age) or Ryan Miller (a young Brodeur in the making).

2007-03-26 17:36:06 · answer #9 · answered by lazyjbob 5 · 0 1


He's young, and knows the game really well. Not to mention captain of the Flames. I'd have Stastny and Staal on the wings.

I'd even it out with Lidstrom and a big guy like Kyle McLaren.

And Hasek between the pipes.

2007-03-26 16:04:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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