I think you need to find out what true love really is and isn't. Read in the Bible I Corinthians 13 "The Love Chapter" where it says love is patient and kind and seeks not its own way at the expense of others. Love isn't boastful or proud and always believes in the positive. This love is such that it will gladly give its life to save the life of another. It says of faith, hope and love that the greatest is love. It is this kind of love that has kept my wife and I married for over 28 years. We have never questioned our love for each other, even though there were times we didn't agree or times were hard. If you have it, you know it and if you don't have it, you don't have love. If it's not love, it is something else like maybe lust. Lust is always temporary and will fail you when someone prettier than you comes along or things just get boring. If the person of your love and you do not have the love described above, you can develop it into something that will last, but it will take work on both your parts to make it grow into something wonderful. You will find that it will be worth the trouble it takes.
2007-03-26 08:06:59
answer #1
answered by Captain Cupcake 6