I don't understand this recent rash of young, pretty female teachers sleeping with their pre-adolescent and adolescent students! Of course it's wrong when someone of either gender does it, but for some reason the female teacher - male student thing really confuses me. When I see a 12-year old boy, I think, "Aw, cute kid" or "What a pest" (if he's acting badly), but what I most definitely DON'T think is "How can I get him in bed?" (Ewww, it's creepy just to write it!!!)
Anyone have thoughts about why this is happening????
12 answers
asked by
Who Knew?
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
It was always a big deal, and immoral, when a male teacher would do that with an underage student, but we just never heard about the female teachers that did it, until the past few years. Yet somehow, it just isn't always taken as seriously. I agree -- what would an adult female see in a 12-year old boy. In most cases, they are just barely starting puberty!
2007-03-26 07:11:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hello Who Knew.... It's morbid if you ask me, these teachers have snapped, I'm sorry since I don't like to judge anyone but something in their brain just isn't functioning correctly. We had an incident here in Illinois to where a male teacher sexually molested his grade school students and just not at one school or town but several. It's sick! I don't know if it's a mental disorder or what but there is too much of this type of crime going on. It can't be permitted! It makes a parent want to snatch their child out of school and give them "home study" for an alternative instead of our regular school system. Us parents trust these teachers in our school system to teach our children education in the books NOT education in the SEX department of their bedrms or elsewhere. I feel that the law in these cases need to be more strict than placing these so-called teachers in probation or community service or a 3 yr plan in a prison.Get for Real! These type of teachers need some serious mental help and therapy! Along with a longer term in prison for hurting our children!
2007-03-26 14:23:04
answer #2
answered by shuggabhugga05 4
The same reason you date someone within your workplace convienience. These kids are who they talk too all day, and interact with constantly. The teachers have to realize though, they are not their peers. No matter how mature they may act. In some cases the teacher is only a couple years older than the students.
2007-03-26 14:12:22
answer #3
answered by shadycaliber 5
I feel discriminated against .
No good looking teacher ever wanted to have sex with me when I was in school . Only the Fat ones ....lol
2007-03-26 14:11:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It is called society and power and why they do it because they can and men have been doing it for years"""IN the one room school house and was never reported,,,
2007-03-26 14:11:27
answer #5
answered by Gypsy Gal 6
I think the kid was 16
2007-03-26 14:09:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I wish one of those hot teachers woulda molested me when i was in the 9th grade. :-( but it's too late now i'm 18, i don't think they wanna rape me now.
2007-03-26 14:12:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It's called pedophilia. There are female pedophiles as well.
It's really gross,I agree.
2007-03-26 14:11:03
answer #8
answered by ? 7
i dont agree with it but who knows there are crazy people on this world.
2007-03-26 21:59:05
answer #9
answered by anderson 6
come on everyone has had a fantasy about one of their teachers......
2007-03-26 14:10:32
answer #10
answered by M J 6