Their are many reasons.Like the lack of capital.Sometime government of the country fails to provide enough employment opportunities to people also the major section of people in this countries is working in primary and secondary activities whereas in a developed country most peoples are engaged in tertiary sector.Also the govenment policies of globalisation and not allowing private sector to expand is also a reason.Then came this law of inheritance that people have to do work which is inherited from their ancestors.Also due to discouraging of local handicrafts and industries lead to unemployement of the weavers which further leads to poverty.
2007-03-26 15:55:25
answer #1
answered by Mayank Sharma 2
religion and surviability
in poor countries the method is to have as many children to ensure the children will be able to take care fo you in your old age, that and the concept of birth control is seen as a western idealogy and not one of the east, so family planning is not exisitant and child birth rates are high. with so many people out there and the lack of resources ( jobs, education ) you get abject and permanant poverty with no end in site.
2007-03-26 19:49:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Religeous superstition opens them up to exploitation by the unscrupulous. Corruption can't flourish among a moral peo., where it is hard enough to contain. Iliteracy keeps their minds in a dark, stifled sack.
2007-03-26 13:59:13
answer #3
answered by LELAND 4
Because they have oppressive governments, no access to property ownership, and no access to the tools that could make them successful (freedom).
2007-03-26 14:12:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Scarcity of resources/education (which leads to scarcity of jobs) and politics are the two biggest ones.
2007-03-26 13:53:02
answer #5
answered by Jay 7
Hard to figure out. They don't have rescources to employ people in manufactoring etc
2007-03-26 15:08:23
answer #6
answered by devora k 7
Overpopulation, lack of work, lack of education funding.
2007-03-26 13:50:06
answer #7
answered by Lori F 6