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I've had trouble finding any live drafts on-line for the NHL playoffs. Does anyone know where there is a site that offers this?

2007-03-26 06:36:14 · 6 answers · asked by Elway 1 in Sports Hockey

6 answers

TheCommonFan.com doesn't offer live drafts, but it's free and you can join as many pools as you want (and easily import the same roster into each pool). Some of the pools are offering prizes like video games and free jerseys.

2007-03-29 20:56:49 · answer #1 · answered by fn_givr 1 · 0 0

Proclaiming that the Pens have the non-public expertise pool contained in the league is particularly like taking a sizeable piss at something of the league. a million. in case you think of wins against the Islanders, Devils, and Hurricanes are meant to be "fantastic", you're regrettably wrong. 2. did no longer you in ordinary terms get killed by utilising the Islanders besides? 3. You controlled to call 2 gamers that legitimately pose a large loss on your group. 4. call me one above trouble-free forward on your group no longer named Crosby, Malkin, or Staal. 5. Pittsburgh has 3 gamers with greater advantageous than 10 objectives scored 57 video games INTO THE SEASON. that is PATHETIC. Detroit has a FOURTH LINER with 13. quite beneficial that sums it up.

2016-10-01 12:37:21 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I dont think anywhere has anything just for the playoffs. Try a google search.

2007-03-26 06:54:58 · answer #3 · answered by lazyjbob 5 · 0 0

Bench Boss on NHL.com

Leagues of 20 teams with draft.


2007-03-28 12:13:34 · answer #4 · answered by flamesfanjosh 6 · 0 0

Here Yahoo has one

2007-03-29 14:54:17 · answer #5 · answered by Irishmen4LIFE 2 · 0 0


2007-03-28 16:40:40 · answer #6 · answered by jerry 7 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers