There is so much wrong with this situation. I will always believe that Stern is an evil leach and someday he will slip up and all will be known. This doctor shopping thing really gets to me. Stern said from the witness stand that he would go get her meds. from different pharmacies. Most of the drugs were in Anna's alias names and in Stern's name! He said that nobody said NO to Anna, B.S. If you truly love the person you try to help them in any way you can, you don't inject drugs into them.Did you see the video at Christmas of Anna, her psychiatrist, and Dannilynn? Taken by a laughing Stern. That doctor has to be the biggest quack around!!! Was she so star stuck, money hungry, or just plain stupid, that she couldn't see what trouble Anna was in? I'd like to make a point here, many say that she took the drugs herself, I know from personal experience that not all drug addicts get there by themselves. Rather it be from a "friend", a doctor, or some one who just wants to control that person, you can get people "hooked" in many ways. The doctors need to be investigated too. Let's see what happens when they finish the investigation into Danny's death. I want to hear all that the private investigator has to say. Danny was very worried about his mom, now they are both gone. Common factor, Stern.
2007-03-26 07:20:09
answer #1
answered by lucysmom 4
This is a big coverup. She was being administered lethal combinations of prescription drugs and her prat boy and enabler Howard K. Stern was giving her drugs without knowing the consequences. I don't think he killed her, but I have a feeling he saw that she was dead in bed and made a quick getaway to "buy a boat"? The real story will never come out. I smell coverup and no one will ever really know what happened. With 105 degree fever, why wasn't she brought to a hospital even if she protested? Something is very strange. I think that they did not want her blood tested for drugs at the hospital and that is why Stern, Big Mo and his wife, did not do the right thing. At the inquest, there will be another coverup and that slimeball Howard K. Stern will get away with everything, and he will become a rich man on Anna Nicole's name. I think Anna Nicole's son was given a lethal combination of drugs by someone who shall remain nameless and he got away with that by flushing all evidence down the toilet. When you are any type of celebrity, the law does not necessarily apply to you. There is what they call celebrity justice. Lawyer up, and you will get the best defense money can buy.
2007-03-26 13:52:37
answer #2
answered by cardgirl2 6
Actaully, because Anna was rich, she could have gotten the drugs from any source. Most "illegal precription drug dealers" don't care about the effects of combining drugs, they just want the money she was suppling.
Also, she seemed to be a very restless woman, so if she didn't get for one person, she was going to get from another. Its all very unfortunate ... only because I think she left so much mess behind, everythings been chaotic since her death. I feel terrible for that baby ... what on earth was she thinking when she conceived that child. The woman was so darn druged up, she bearly knew the child was around.
Sorry, I have to be honest. Anna definitely left a ton a drama behind.
2007-03-26 19:27:03
answer #3
answered by rosie768 3
It's been widely publicized that she used aliases when going to the doctor. Doctor shopping is very common among drug users as well. I doubt very seriously that she even got the drugs form a real doctor. Most likely she had a friend who was a doctor or knew one that just prescribed what she wanted. I know my doctor always asks you to bring in all your meds, but I often forget. He actually has prescribed meds that were antagonistic to each other, but fortunately the pharmacists caught it before I took them. If she used different names and pharmacies she could easily have gotten contradicting medicine proescriptions. It happens with a lot of celebrities. I mean do you really think some doctor prescribed cases of percodan to Jerry Lewis 1000's of Vicodin to Rush Limbaugh?
2007-03-26 13:42:41
answer #4
answered by Alchemist 4
The doctor would proscribe who different medications to two different people insider Anna's group. To get a doctor to proscribe a medication is easy and I've done it before. It haves me money that I don't have because I don't have to go the doctors and spends over a hundred dollars for a visit
2007-03-26 20:29:31
answer #5
answered by Peacen 3
if she had more than one dr. which I'm sure she did (dr. hopping) maybe each other didn't know what the other was prescribing. In this small town people without the fame and money she had do it all the time. But someone knew she was not in her right mind and didn't stop her so they should be held accountable and I can't wait till they finish Daniel's death investigation. It's just too bizarre
2007-03-26 13:40:04
answer #6
answered by luminous 7
I had a feeling that Anna Nicole Smith had been putting drugs inside her system, but they're saying it was by accident. I also heard that they may be doing an autopsy on her son or not.
2007-03-26 18:06:19
answer #7
answered by killerwhalesrule19 3
Anna was seeing a psychiatrist and a couple of other doctors. I am sure that neither knew what the other had prescribed. True but sad!!!! That is exactly why she/everyone should be straight up with ALL their doctors!!! May Anna now RIP!!!!!!!!
2007-03-26 14:19:01
answer #8
answered by ® 7
No, most celebrities will find a doctor that will prescribe them what ever they want, plus they might have lied and told the doctor that she wasnt taking anything else. Plus she was probably getting prescriptions from lots of different doctors, thats why you need one solid family doctor and always let him know when another doctor presribes you something.
2007-03-26 13:57:17
answer #9
answered by GRACIE 1
Its all a cover up by Stern..he is a lawyer and knows how to cover up..the infection came from the needle going in too deep into her butt so sounds like someone didn't know what they were doing..
I still think Stern is guilty. Its hollywood for you though..everyone gets away with everything for the sole purpose of entertainment
2007-03-26 13:48:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous