everything has causality, which indicated a mover, which is what is meant by design
how can something come from nothing?
2007-03-26 06:40:47
answer #1
answered by mordy0 2
I am presuming this is more of a statement than a legitimate question, so trying to convince you that natural selection is the antipode of chance is probably just a waste of my time. Instead, I will tell you a story, and the lesson to be learned from it.
The story is about Galileo. Late in his life, he was sentenced to house arrest by the church for going against what the church professed. Now Galileo was not sentenced to house arrest simply because the Catholic Church were a bunch of jerks. Galileo was sentenced because God made the sun revolve around the Earth, and until he could prove otherwise, God wins by default. Galileo couldn't prove that the Earth orbits the sun in circles. The math simply wouldn't add up. So when he couldn't prove it, the church was convinced that it held all the answers, and Galileo was just this silly little heretic trying to disuade people from the truth! Hence, his house arrest. Galileo died a broken man.
The happy ending of this story is that Johannes Kepler, a generation after Galileo, discovered that the Earth does not in fact rotate the sun in circles, it orbits the sun in Ellipses. Uh oh, the math makes sense now. A furious battle for the minds of scientists ensured, with heliocentricism gaining the upper hand. Then came Newton, whose mathematics completely and utterly destroyed the theory of Geocentricity. In the end, the church pretended like it never even heard of Galileo, or Geocentricism. That is, until Pope John Paul II formally apologized and forgave Galileo in 1993.
Faith thrives on ignorance. Just like the ancient churches did not want people believing in heliocentricism, the churches of today do not want people believing in Evolution. But the forces of science are slowly but surely eroding the most ancient tenents of canon. Astronoy has shown Earth to be just a tiny fleck of space dust in an infinite sea of darkness, not the grand project of an infinite overseer. Neuroscientists are slowly but surely casting off the veil of secrecy on consciousness, dubbing the formation of consciousness in our brain the "easy question" of Neuroscience. So far, no magical cloud (soul) has been found. Evolution gave us the first true hinting that maybe the bigwigs with all the money in fact DON'T have the answers, and despite their best efforts, the vast majority of scientists are as apt to believe in creationism as they are to believe that all the gods rest on Mount Olympus, or the world is a plate suspended on the back of an infinitly large turtle.
The "why's" of Physics presents the ultimate question, and as of right now, there is not enough evidence to assign a proper answer. But there is little doubt in my mind that when we do find the answer, the forces of faith will fight it with just the same furor as they now do with evolution. But as the story of brave Galileo proves, the truth finds a way, no matter how hard it is fought.
2007-03-26 14:16:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's a question open for discussion whether perceived order is inherent in the perceived objects or whether it is imposed on what the observers see due to the human mind's ability to categorize things.
But when you do perceive order, it is an awakening that inspires. Astronomers who discover the structure of the universe often describe it as being like a religious experience. Biologists recognize the continuity of life in all its manifestations, and see the way you can connect a simple DNA molecule with a human being like Albert Einstein without a break. Tragically, many of the fundamentalists blind themselves to this and imagine a discontinuity between human life and all other forms of life, a discontinuity which simply does not exist outside the realm of pure faith.
Carl Sagan makes the connection all the way back to the explosion of stars whose dust then gave rise to the Solar System and thence us. "We are made of star stuff," he says.
So whether the order exists out there or within our minds, it is real and it affects us.
2007-03-26 13:32:55
answer #3
answered by fra59e 4
The only cooincidence is the "thought" of cooincidence one gives to any situation, person, place or thing. Just as nothing has any meaning except the meaning that one gives it.
My personal belief is that there is no cooincidence whatsoever on earth or anywhere else for that matter. All happens and unfolds just as it should and the exact time it should.
Perhaps, there are only a small percentage who believe in such, however, my belief is that these are those who are metaphysically and spiritually enlightened.
2007-03-26 13:49:30
answer #4
answered by MeanderingMind 2
There is a theory, Chaos theory, which outlines that everything in exsistence does have order, but that this order is so vastly complex that it would be impossible for us to perceive it as anything but random, and of course so infinite that we would never be able to solve it. You may have heard of the Butterfly Effect; a butterfly flapping it's wings in Toronto, can cause a chain of events to occur which then leads to an earthquake in Japan. This is a basic outline of underlying pattern in something which appears to be purely random, and chaotic. You also may have heard the old riddle:
For want of a nail the shoe was lost
For want of the shoe the horse was lost
For want of a horse the rider was lost
For want of a rider the message was lost
For want of a message the kingdom was lost
And all for the want of a horse shoe nail!
A particular favourite of mine as it's been around for about 1000 years!
2007-03-26 13:38:01
answer #5
answered by mimi 1
1. this is not a questions, it is a destiny.
2. people have been asking and searching for this since the human race evolved. Ir relates to the bigger picture that does God exists? is there hell and heaven?
If we put them all together and see it from religious point of view then Yes it is a programme designed as a matrix and we live within itself. But as your tiny (no offence) mind thinks of this question that proves that you want to prove a new theory about it not like what you have been told and to believe.
your question is as simple as if you have very simple mind and as harder as your mind could imagine.
2007-03-26 17:14:25
answer #6
answered by irfan mir 1
"Order" doesn't have anything to do with the world - it's a concept, a structure dependant on linguistic rules. The world is boundless, and thereby cannot be understood in terms of "order" any more than it can be understood in terms "chance."
2007-03-26 13:34:40
answer #7
answered by !@#%&! 3
I just farted.
I ordered my sphincter to relax and I farted.
Yes there is order to the universe but no direction. Without a guiding, wafting hand, everybody smells it.
2007-03-26 13:40:03
answer #8
answered by Dazzit 3
It is the mind of man that imposes the order. It appears to occur because everything originated.
2007-03-26 13:27:17
answer #9
answered by Sophist 7
Order and disorder, chance is whatever we have not classified within those two categories!0!
Sapere aude!
2007-03-26 13:28:38
answer #10
answered by Alex 5