I don't get it. Do the other people that are attracted to Randy Orton just feel like sometimes he's very attractive and other times he's just plain ugly. He has that effect on you because Batista and some of the other wrestlers, I'm always attracted too. I think Jeff Hardy's cute face is something I'll always be attracted to. But for some reason, with Randy it's different. Is it him or me and the way I am looking at him? I don't get it. On RAW last week, I thought he was too scrawny and ugly. However, when I saw him in his interview with McMahon and that hot Kennedy, he looked tall and really really good. What's going on here? Does anyone else have this on and off attraction to Randy Orton? Other than his occassional good looks, I think he's pretty lame by the way.
3 answers
asked by
Masta P
➔ Wrestling
Doctor of Thugonamics! Sorry guy, but I have to report u. U know the rules ;)
06:36:07 ·
update #1