You need to make yourself feel more at home in your new home. Create some memories have a BBQ with some friends and family. Your dreams shouldnt last forever, just long enough for your mind to move on also.
2007-03-26 05:59:11
answer #1
answered by cookiesandcorn 5
Dreams are the subconscience's way of dealing with issues that you may or may not be aware of in your conscience. If you have recurring dreams, there are issues there that are not being resolved.
Moving away from the home where you grew up in is definitely a life changing event. when i dream about home it is ALWAYS about the house i grew up in and not the house i live in at that time. I think it just means that that is the place i consider home. and that is okay. however, if you cant shake that sad feeling about moving, maybe you should talk to someone about your feelings.
2007-03-26 06:01:40
answer #2
answered by orexismmii 2
You must have had experiences while living there that had a big impact on you. Youre psyche is trying to get past emotional pain or trauma that happened there, its trying to heal and let go of it, thats what happens in your dreams a lot of the time. You need to figure out what feelings/situations youre repressing/holding back and onto and need to face those and release all those old emotions. It can take time to deal with sometimes, believe me Id been through those same types of situations before too. Well lots of hope and healing your way, good luck! They wont be with you forever either, I promise!
2007-03-26 08:34:01
answer #3
answered by Carebear 2
Why might you cry doing a stable deed to your brother. Do you have thoughts of be apologetic approximately for being there to your loved ones and now you experience used and forgotten? Your dream is telling you there's a choose for validation on your existence. via that I advise you choose somebody to tell you what a stable guy or woman you have been in spite of if no person yet you knows approximately it. we've a call in existence yet we seldom administration the activities that happen. settle for existence because it is, a complicated place of highs and lows and circulate on.
2016-12-15 09:17:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No, they won't last forever.
When your mind accepts the idea that you have moved on from where you grew up, the dreams will decrease.
Best idea is to know that life is full of steps like a staircase. The usefulness of one step is only to get you to the next one higher.
2007-03-26 05:55:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Maybe be you just miss your old house and in the old house you were content and happy.
Think positive.
I moved about 6 months ago from a house that I lived in for 14yrs. And I has unhappy but the move was to a better and bigger house. I just missed my old house. But I am happier now, I just it was just the change.
2007-03-26 05:55:37
answer #6
answered by abadcv 2
is it the actually house you are missing? or could it be the family you had/have there? A house is just a is growing up with your family there that made it a home. You need to start building memories in your new place and little by little by little the dreams might start to fade.
2007-03-26 05:56:05
answer #7
answered by ryee40007 5
IF it's on your mind all the time but you don't talk about it, you will have dreams. Dreams are there to wake up your mind. To remind you of things maybe you shouldn't forget. Yes, move on, but don't barry feelings or they will come out some other way...dreams...(or ulcers)
2007-03-26 05:53:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i've been having dreams lately where when i wake up it doesnt feel like i've slept at all. it's almost as if my mind is chattering all nite lonhg, and it's always dreams about the past. what i am going to do TODAY is work on clearing my CHAKRAS.. there are meditation cd's available. try going to or .org and see what you can find. we use alot of the meditation practices from hayhouse. you might like what you find and good luck with your dreams.
2007-03-26 05:52:46
answer #9
answered by theskyisthelimit02 3
that's terrible! no, sorry I can't help...
2007-03-26 05:51:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous