Most players use Vapor XXX Lites, TPS RX8 or 9 ( ithink thats the name of it), Warrior's are popular and RBK is very popular
Crosby uses a Sherwood Momentum
Malkin uses a Nike/Bauer One90 (used to use the XXX Lite)
2007-03-26 08:33:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
cutting-edge gamers over 24-ish are actually not. an excellent variety of hockey gamers in my section (an prolonged time 15-18) who play in AA or AAA are finished douche bags. they think of they are so good in basic terms because of the fact they play aggressive hockey even nevertheless maximum have no possibility on the OHL or NHL. All those gamers you named have been general, good hockey gamers. i don't think of many are d-bags, yet here in the GTA, many mediocre hockey gamers think of they are all that. I see them at events, ingesting or perhaps smoking POT. some good EXAMPLES -Tyler Seguin -Brett Connolly -Patrick Kane i've got heard Lightning prospect Connolly is a extensive d-bag with a foul techniques-set. And in case you persist with Seguin on twitter, you would know why i think of he's an @ss. Patrick Kane. Cab driving force incident. sufficient stated.
2016-10-19 23:21:58
answer #2
answered by ? 4
which ever ones they want. some players like Freddy Modin and Marcus Naslund still use woodsticks. While Fedorov uses the Warrior stick. ALot of the younger players use the rbk stick and alot of other ones use the synergy. no team is required to use only one type of stick.
2007-03-26 05:31:53
answer #3
answered by hooah89d 4
Most players use composite sticks, the brand usually depends on the player.
I believe Crosby uses a Sherwood
2007-03-26 06:18:51
answer #4
answered by wbo_vp 2
Probably Synergies, Baur Vapors, Warriors, anything thats top of the line sticks.
2007-03-26 05:33:59
answer #5
answered by Jake 6
Many different brands...Have you seen the RBK 9KO that Colby Armstrong has been using? That thing looks awesome.
Lookin through some pics on the Pens site I saw a few Eastons, Sherwoods, RBK, and some others.
2007-03-26 07:59:56
answer #6
answered by Andy 3
Really expensive ones, most likely TPS or Bauers. not many players use wood sticks anymore.
2007-03-26 06:08:09
answer #7
answered by lazyjbob 5
Lots of different kinds. Most of them use composite sticks very expensive.
2007-03-26 05:31:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
80 to 90% of the pro's hockey sticks are made of composite.they are one piece or two piece(replaceble blade).Unfortunately they are built to flex for a harder shot not a sturdier stick.Bad for parents who want their kids to have the best.
Good for pro's who "just grab another one"
2007-03-26 05:57:06
answer #9
answered by logie ogie 3
a hockey stick
2007-03-26 05:31:01
answer #10
answered by word u 2