When my kids were younger i liked to do fun things with them like take them to a local park or just play with them. I personally today would like to be able to spend more time doing fun things with my kids and husband today as much as i can because i treasure my family and my life with them. Tell your wife that some local churches have MOPS available which is moms of pre schoolers where they can get together with other moms and the kids can play together and things. This helps encourage moms of young kids too especially stay at home moms and they can become friends with the other moms and get to know them. I feel this is a great resource for moms. The website for MOPS online is http://www.mops.org Be sure to have her check it out and see if she likes it and I am sure that in your area somewhere there is a church or organization that offers this for the moms. Good luck to her and i hope this encourages her or helps her in some way today.
2007-03-26 04:18:05
answer #1
answered by Lady Hewitt 6
This is a tough one because everyone is different. I happen to love being a stay at home mom and there is nothing more I want in my life. On the other hand, some women may feel overwhelmed by being home with the kids all day. They may want free time to themselves, time alone with their husbands, other adults to converse with, and maybe they would like a job, just to get out of the house and be away from it all. I suggest that you ask your wife if she is happy with her personal situation and if not, help her find ways to change it.
2007-03-26 10:54:03
answer #2
answered by dixiegirl 3
I am a young stay at home mom with 2 kids. I would like to go out more as a family and as a couple. Also, more adult interaction would be great to. Those are my biggest things. I also need my "ME TIME!" I need time for myself to unwind after a long week with the kids. If i dont get it, i get irritable and im not as tolerant with the kids. But in order to do that a certain little somebody has be willing to watch the kids for me WHILE i do that!
2007-03-26 10:39:26
answer #3
answered by Sweetie 2
I would change absolutely nothing about life. I feel it is an honor and a privilege to have the opportunity to stay home with my children. I have been a single mother working full time, so I know what it is like. I would say life now is much more hectic, though I enjoy life more now. The expectations are high of a SAHM...the house must be perfect, the children perfect, and she must be perfect.
I do need some of that "me time" but I take that when the children are asleep during naps, and after bedtime.
And I have a GREAT husband who supports my decisions 110%. That is really what a SAHM needs is a great husband!!! Glad I have one.
2007-03-26 11:17:44
answer #4
answered by an88mikewife 5
I would love more dates with my husband, and not feel like a mother all the time. Its nice to know, theres still a spark in your relationship after the kids. An evening out without talking about the kids and just "us" would tickle me pink.
Also I would love my husband to do everything I do in one day. While I just sit on my butt and sleep in. I have a 9 month old, and havent slept in since before I was pregnant!
2007-03-26 10:42:26
answer #5
answered by Zenthae 4
I have 3 young ones also. I would really enjoy a FULL nights sleep. I would also enjoy having time for me and to relax and let the stress melt away. I would like my husband to help me more. He does sometimes only when he feels like it. Its gotten to the point that ive heard soooo much crying for so long that when there is no crying or whine i still just up and say "BE QUIET PLEASE" and everyone looks at me like im crazy! Its because i hear it in my head all the time!! hehe But yes more alone time, more help and a good sleep :)
2007-03-26 14:22:21
answer #6
answered by Sweetheart 2
Well us stay at home mom's are pretty lucky. It's a beautiful thing to be able to look after your children but...sometimes we can feel bogged down and burdened because we feel no one understands how tiring and emotionally draining being a mom can be....The solution is simple....A loving husband that brings us flowers once in awhile and perhaps a surprise spa get-away for a weekend all by ourselves while our husbands look after the kids without us for a couple of days. Sometimes it can just be words that make us happy...like you look beautiful today....do you know how much I appreciate what you do.....etc. etc.
2007-03-26 10:40:12
answer #7
answered by applecheeks 4
An honest, moral husband who values his wife & kids.
2007-03-26 10:47:10
answer #8
answered by Daiquiri Dream 6
Love and support from the man i love. The weekend to do what we did before the kids. (alone time with him)
2007-03-26 10:43:20
answer #9
answered by sweetemtation_123 4
Time in a day
2007-03-26 10:36:48
answer #10
answered by oracleofohio 7