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Crime .............................I would say more now by 40%
Violence I would say again more now by 70%
Fear I would say sadly more by 65%

The above figures are what I feel the categories stated have risen by compared to 25years ago I requested you think back to - for those who can obviously.

Reason being the police, teachers, clergy were given more respect........I hardly remember there not being communities and therefore people were watching out for you more.

Although I agree crime existed and stats were high then they seem marginally different now. Maybe it is because wider reporting makes it worse than what it actually is.

I hope you understand my question I have tried to put it into the best definition that I could - in the areas that affect us all I feel.

2007-03-26 02:11:21 · 2 answers · asked by deep in thought 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2 answers

1. I don't think it's any worse or any better, overall, but it is different.

2. I know that I was brought up to be respectful and courteous to adults, and to be in awe of the police, but that doesn't mean that every child was brought up that way. To think that, is just to display misguided nostalgia and sentimentality. There were always anti-social kids out there, on the streets, who would rather smash their fist into your face than say "hello".

3. If anything, children were not looked after well enough. I had to go to school on my own, even at Infants School. Now you may say "See? That proves it!! It was safer then", but I would say that a 4- or 5-year old child should not have been left to deal with traffic on his own. I remember nearly being struck by a car, on two occasions, when I was even older, because I took risks, that I would not dream of doing now, as an adult. I also remember being left alone at home at a young age, by my middle-class, educated parents, in a way that I would never even dream of doing to a child of my own. I also used to take my baby sister out on my own - a 6-year old pushing a baby in pram, out in the street, unsupervised! What crazy, dangerous nonsense was that??!!

4. As for political correctness (mentioned by the first responder), it existed well before the term was coined. Back then, there was a right-wing political correctness, which allowed pubs to have notices saying "No Irish, no coloureds , no dogs"; which gave us children's books called "Little Black Sambo"; which saw one West Midlands local authority ban Noddy books from its libraries because they promoted homosexuality (Noddy and Big Ears shared a bed).

5. Communication nowadays is more effective (TV, newspapers, radio, internet etc.), so we are more aware of what is happening with crime, in a way that we were not before. Also public bodies have to produce statistics about their performance, so police authorities publicise details of their ability to detect and solve crime, and these get reported. That did not happen before.

2007-03-27 01:20:42 · answer #1 · answered by ♫ Rum Rhythms ♫ 7 · 0 0

not only more respect but also they did not have the worry of the "do gooders, political correct brigade" etc and getting sued , for doing their jobs !!!! totally agree with you!!

2007-03-26 11:33:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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