i am a bit afraid of tight spaces but not very claustrophobic and i am scared to death of snakes
2007-03-24 19:23:51
answer #1
answered by asphyxia 5
Spiders & snakes are the worse. Fortunately I haven't seen any snakes where
we live but we do have spiders. I don't like crowds, either all that pushing and
shoving. I hate heights as well. It took about a year before I got use to being on
the 9th floor of our condo. Needles don't bother me. I have been bitten by
spiders a few times. Our son was bitten by a brown recluse and almost died.
He was very sick for several months. My Dad was bitten by one as well. Oh, I
2007-03-24 19:32:29
answer #2
answered by Garnet 6
I don't know the name of the phobia but I have a fear about my food becoming contaminated. I have to make sure all hands are washed by anyone coming in the kitchen, all surfaces are washed prier to the food being placed on the counter. All utensils washed again before use and the hair covered. I don't want anyone to get sick.
2007-03-24 19:29:41
answer #3
answered by kitkat1640 6
I have snakephobia-petrifying fear of snakes When I was a child a blue garter snake wrapped around my leg and my mom had a hard time getting it off Once when I worked for 7-11 a customer attempted to put a boa constrictor on me in an attempt to get more gasoline Fortunately for me the police got there in the nick of time
2007-03-24 19:28:47
answer #4
answered by silent watcher 2
Acrophobia: fear of acrobats. Just kidding. Really, it's the fear of heights. People who suffer from acrophobia may feel like they are being pulled toward the edge of a high place. This one is on the Phobia List of Top 10 most popular phobias. Acrophobia comes from the Greek word "acron," meaning height.
Aichmophobia: fear of needles or pointed objects. From the Greek word "aichme," which means point. This fear can be life threatening if it prevents the sufferer from seeking needed medical attention.
Apiphobia: fear of bees. The word "apiphobia" comes from "api-" from the Greek "apis" meaning bee. Apiphobia is also called melissophobia, since "melissa" is another Greek word for bee.
Arachnophobia: fear of spiders. Arachnophobia is ranked number one on the Phobia List of Top 10 most popular phobias. One medical site suggested that arachnophobia is really "fear of the unknown, since most spiders are harmless." Remember that phobias are, by definition, an irrational fear. We may use logic to justify or validate the fear, but the all the logic in the world will not abate the emotional response. "Arachnophobia" is derived from the Greek "arachne" meaning spider.
Autophobia: fear of loneliness, of being alone. A fear of solitude. Sufferers may worry about being ignored and unloved, or they may worry about intruders, strange noises or the possibility of developing a medical problem. Autophobia also can mean fear of oneself. The word "autophobia" is derived from the Greek word "autos," which means self.
Bathophobia: fear of depths. The feared object may be a long, dark hallway, a well or a deep pool or lake. "Bathophobia" is derived from the Greek "bathos" meaning depth.
Dentophobia: fear of dentists. Don't confuse this with the neoautodentaphobia which is the fear of getting a dent in your new car. This phobia can be serious because sufferers will often avoid needed medical treatment. Derrived from the Latin word "denti" which means tooth.
Entomophobia: fear of insects. To avoid insects, sufferers may frequently clean rooms and carpets, sweep hallways, spray insect-killer or seal off doors and windows. Entophobia (insect phobia) includes acarophobia (mites: scabies) and arachnophobia (fear of spiders). "Entomophobia" is derived from the Greek "entomos" which means insect.
Homophobia: fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual.
Insectophobia : fear of insects.
Luposlipaphobia: (another joke phobia designed for a chuckle) The fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly-waxed floor. This one is based on a "Far Side" cartoon by Gary Larson. See Anatidaephobia for another one.
Mottephobia: fear of moths. It seems like the word originated form the Middle English word "mothe" but is probably akin the the German word "motte" which means moth. A related term is "Lepidophobia" which is the fear of butterflies.
Taphephobia: fear of being buried alive. "Taphephobia" comes from the Greek "taphos" meaning grave.
Thanatophobia: fear of death or dying. This one is on the Phobia List of Top 10 most popular phobias. The critically acclaimed HBO Series "Six Feet Under" addressed this subject matter. From the Greek word "Thanatos" meaning death. Also commonly referred to as Necrophobia
2007-03-24 20:04:11
answer #5
answered by ♫That'll be the Day♫ 6
Falling from a height. I guess on your list it is basophobia or acrophobia. I have claustrophobia, too. But algophobia (fear of pain) is probably one of the worst.
2007-03-24 19:25:45
answer #6
answered by Laurel W 4
I am so 100% scared of spiders, the dark (childish, I know!) and wolves. In nursury I watched Peter and the wolf and the wolf scared me to pieces! There was this one part when the wolf opened his mouth and roared and when that happened I cried!!!!
2007-03-25 07:43:51
answer #7
answered by My Best Friend is an emo! 2
You ready for a long list?
attics, cellars, heights, tight spaces, very open spaces, being alone, the dark, silence, strangers, snakes, reptiles, ants (especially the red ones that bite), loud noises and boredom.
2007-03-24 19:32:04
answer #8
answered by sweetgurl13069 6
Recently when i heard rains, i start to feel nervous because there's flood up to 2 storey high on December 06, so i guess u understand my fear.
2007-03-24 19:40:05
answer #9
answered by † Iríšh † 7
Im afraid of the Big Bad Wolf. Also I have
losmonophobia - Fear of losing lots of money.
2007-03-24 19:31:39
answer #10
answered by Noaks 2
myrmecophobia..fear of ants
not an actual phobia in my case, I have confronted it, and while I still despise the nasty, creepy, hateful little things, I can deal with them when they invade my home instead of wanting to pack and move.
2007-03-25 17:52:44
answer #11
answered by Snoodsmom 4