Except for A New Hope (Episode IV), every episode in the Star Wars saga had its episode number in the opening title crawl. George Lucas added the episode number and subtitle for Ep IV when he rereleased it theatrically shortly before releasing Empire Strikes Back.
2007-03-24 19:26:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
From Wikipedia:
"The film was originally released as — and consequently often called — Star Wars, without Episode IV or the subtitle A New Hope. The 1980 sequel, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, featured the episode number and subtitle in the opening crawl. When the original film was re-released in 1981, Episode IV: A New Hope was added above the original opening crawl."
2007-03-24 19:34:16
answer #2
answered by Mr. Bombdiggity 3
interior the beginning up... :) George Lucas did no longer have plenty money. So he had to make a judgement call. He had incredibly composed recommendations for 9 movies. besides the fact that, he concept the unique famous guy or woman Wars a clean wish (Ep 4) grew to become into the main finished tale, and as such had the ideal possibility of being valuable with the help of itself. He then took what he made off of that and positioned it into Empire, and additionally with Jedi. This grew to become into an superb innovations-set. I purely wish he might have made his entire sequence whilst he grew to become into youthful. The memories have been plenty extra ideal. He seems to have lost his element because of fact the final Indiana Jones action picture got here out. in line with possibility even in the previous. He has strived to "finished" the sequence, yet he has long previous to such an quantity that he explains too plenty. a great number of the excellent thing with regard to the unique sequence grew to become into interior the no longer understanding. I do wish he might enable others to start making movies in keeping with numerous the books. The Thrawn trilogy and Darksaber may well be good ones. numerous the comics had somewhat properly developed plots as properly. besides the fact that that's time for Mr. Lucas to bypass the reigns to others.
2016-10-20 09:57:05
answer #3
answered by valda 4
In all of the movies, the Episode # is in the opening scroll, but I do believe Phantom Menace was the first one to have the Episode # in the actual title of the movie.
2007-03-24 19:24:46
answer #4
answered by TheOnlyBeldin 7
If you watch the very first Star Wars that came out in the '70's, it says Episode 4 at the very beginning
2007-03-24 19:23:29
answer #5
answered by hmc9975 2
so the viewers would not be confused with the proper succession of the films. As we all know, the prequel was made 20 years after the star wars true trilogy.
2007-03-24 20:21:53
answer #6
answered by lavender 2
well, in want george to make, how han solo & chewbacca meet i think on chuws home planet kashyyyk
& how did yoda be came a powerfully fedi
& i dont know if it is true, about the 4 sith lords and maybe they help fight together and destroy alot of people & other fedi's , i think one of the lords is darth sidious
2007-03-24 21:42:09
answer #7
answered by ..::Єḍɱʋñɖ.:::.. 3
i think it was when Phantom Menace came out
2007-03-24 19:18:14
answer #8
answered by super_6ix_4our 3