Sorrow is a very personable thing. Yes, I think sometimes a stranger can reduce that sorrow, whether the stranger knows it or not. So often, people close to the person that is feeling the loss is afraid to talk about it, and the person feeling the loss is afraid to really talk about it with people are close to them or the person that died. I read Rose Kennedy's biography, good book, and I can't quote her but with all the lose in her life she basically said, The pain of a loss never goes away, it lasts shorter and comes in longer increments so it is bearable. I hope this answers your questions♥
2007-03-24 18:11:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think yes, because no one knows you at web. Secondly, if you don't share your sorrows they grow up pretty fast and you feel more lonely and depressed because you feel that no one cares about you and you go intense. But how would they know if you don't tell others your problem. They can help you out. I am also saying that, though I have a lot of sorrows and I also need someone who is my type and understand me. You can share it with your best friend. If it is a lot personal that you can't even share it with you relatives, then find a friend on net. Well i will reccomend you to be my friend and share your sorrows and I will share mine. The more you put weight on a thing, it goes down, in the same way if you put sorrows on your heart you will just fall down. So raise up and share sorrows.
2007-03-25 02:12:49
answer #2
answered by Sarbjit 1
Are you the "World Bank of Sorrow"
that you are intending to collect all the Sorrows of the World.
2007-03-25 07:19:53
answer #3
answered by kzpc 2
if you share a similiar sorrow that someone else is experiencing then yes.
It happens quite often over the internet amongst people who have never met and maybe never will
2007-03-25 01:12:07
answer #4
answered by OntarioGreys 5
yes you can and yes you shell and yes you should .
but also pls share your (un)happy with all of us yes you can ... yes you can.... yes you can...............yes you can....................yes you can....................................yes you can...................................................yes you can........................................yes you can
2007-03-25 02:15:13
answer #5
answered by rahul 1