I've always had a lot of pubic hair but I found out for me that part of my problem was a hormone imbalance. How I figured that out was when I started treating the problem and noticed I didn't have as much pubic hair as I did before.
I used to shave the hairs on a regular basis but I don't as much anymore except for certain circumstances. Most of the time I trim the hair at my dr's request.
I would recommend checking with your dr to be on the safe side.
2007-03-24 22:33:44
answer #1
answered by sokokl 7
The trend seems to be that less is more. Most women trim, wax, or shave. That was not so during the 1970's. Women did not remove their pubic hair during the 1970's. Some women did not shave very much at all during that time. That was a hairy, hippie time. Guys grew their hair as long as they could. Some of them did look like women, but they thought they looked sexy.
2007-03-24 19:05:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
you can trim it up with scissors, if it's too long and bushy, shave the part on your legs, and or wax some of it off.
be sure to use an anitibotic neosporian type creme after you wax or shave, to avoid bumbs.
it's all genitics.
when you are young, you are at your most hairy.
My gyno reccomends a good trim job with the scissors to keep the air flow and if you think you are a tangled mess.
some guys are really into hairy bushy women.
if you don't like it, you can always have it waxed,
i wouldn't shave except the leg area.
2007-03-24 18:04:13
answer #3
answered by Lilly 5
Everyone's body is different and everyone's hair grows differently.. If she is a shamed of the amount of pubic hair that she has.. she can either keep it shaved or get bikini waxes on a regular basis.
2007-03-24 17:57:49
answer #4
answered by Nicole B 2
I think as long as you are well groomed and dont have it coming down your legs up your tummy and its not long and nasty then its all good.....
2007-03-24 18:33:47
answer #5
answered by Erika 4
there is only shame in being ashamed Natural is beauty
2007-03-24 17:59:35
answer #6
answered by sunshinegrl07 2
You should check out www.hirsuteworld.com - you'll feel normal.
2007-03-24 18:00:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Guys dont like hair.. Its that simple
2007-03-24 18:04:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
some guys love hairy chicks...most do not !!
2007-03-24 17:56:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous