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I love it when Brits say this word - it always makes me laugh cause it's so foreign. It's obviously an insult but what is the English alternative?

Is like calling someone a wiener? Cause that's what I always think of...

2007-03-24 17:27:55 · 5 answers · asked by THATgirl 6 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

"Wanker literally means "one who wanks" (masturbates). It is normally intended as a general insult rather than as an accusation. Wanker has similar meanings and overtones to American pejoratives like "jerk",[1] "jerk-off", and "prick".

...British origin, common in Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, English Canada and South Africa."

2007-03-25 16:37:42 · answer #1 · answered by Fancy You 6 · 0 0

It's actually the Surname of Mrs. Peggy Bundy's Maiden Name since her family hailed from the Peasant Area of England's Yorkshire District.

Soon, the poor fools whom were often flogged because they were not the brightest of folks were soon called Wankers. This is where the Village idiot also began, and soon, a small burough was named Wankershire, hence the people were referred to as Wankers which is quite the insult to those that are called such and still sustains.

It's the American Equivelent of "Trailer Trash".

I hope this suffices Ange! LOL!


2007-03-24 17:47:01 · answer #2 · answered by The Sylvan Wizard 5 · 0 0

In Australia when you call someone a wanker its like calling them a mix of : an idiot, di****h**d, fool and a jerk all mixed with a dose of masturbation.

It doesn't mean trailer trash at all.
When you want to call someone trailer trash you make fun of the suburb they live in and call them white trash.

2007-03-24 19:15:42 · answer #3 · answered by toffeebluecake 4 · 0 0

What a astonishing question. faith is, of direction, the type that one's worship takes. subsequently there are hundreds of varieties. faith incorporates a gadget of non secular ideals and practices. the article of the religion may well be fake gods or the actual God. for this reason, there is fake faith and there is actual. faith can get very fancy or stay undemanding. in the former case, including that's as we communicate. in the latter case, including it grew to become into in the backyard of Eden. What then is worship to me? How do I worship? To worship skill to obey. And to obey skill to worship. the two are intimately linked; certainly, they are coterminous and might't be separated. particularly, to obey the Sovereign Lord God Jehovah of Armies is to worship Him. I do my imperfect terrific in this regard. I fall on my face and come again as much as objective and attempt returned. in the backyard of Eden, see you later as they obeyed Jehovah, Adam and Eve have been worshiping him. No temple, no Mosaic regulation, no conferences. purely pass away the tree of the certainty of robust and undesirable on my own. undemanding. The minute they disobeyed, they stopped worshiping Jehovah. comparable with the country of Israel. The minute they tried to coach a syncretistic faith they stopped worshiping Jehovah. The minute they made the golden calf, they stopped. And on and on. To worship is to obey. To obey is to worship. Hannah J Paul

2016-11-23 13:53:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a wanker is a guy who......pleasures himself, manually, you know? like, he chokes his chicken, spanks his monkey, makes a woman out of his hand? ummmm, jacks off ( sorry, jack!)? he is masturbating! there, i said it!

2007-03-24 18:08:21 · answer #5 · answered by Berkly M 4 · 0 1

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