This diatribe did not present one scintilla of evidence for creationism. Evolution, the change in allele frequencies over time in populations, is a fact. Instead of pontificating, educate yourself. I assume you meant evolution by natural selection, though. The evidence, here is overwhelming. No, it does not matter what you believe, as the truth does not care about your beliefs. That is why we gather evidence, not revelation. Modern science did not rise from a biblical foundation and to say so is incoherent. Go here for the truth.
2007-03-24 16:08:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Evolution is presented as a valid theory - there has not been a scientific 'test' that has invalidated the precepts of evolution, namely, the survival of the fittest members of a species gradually or catestrophically changes a population. There are recorded examples of that in modern history - prior to the industrial revolution in England, most pigeons were light colored, yet after lots of coal dust darkened the sky, the light pigeons were easy pickings, but darker pigeons were able to hide from predators better - now the population is more dark pigeons... It does matter what you believe to be true, however you should validate your belief system through observation of the universe. Dogmatic responses to issues like this may cloud your ability to truly see the wonders of the universe - much more awesome than the bible can describe, because they didn't have words to even describe it - If I went back to Isaac Newton and told him how a transistor worked, he would not have the conceptual ability to understand it - he was a very bright guy, but didn't have any concept of a transistor - it would sound like magic. If I describe how a star is born to a shepard as part of how the universe was born, it translates to 'then there was light' because the concepts behind it did not exist then. Be very careful assuming your beliefs are all correct - and worthy of judging others with - I can think back to the Inquisition or the Salem witch trials, as examples where 'my belief is better than yours' was twisted into something horrible. The bible has many excellent lessons for living in the human world - but it has limits when attempting to describe concepts that were unfathomable in biblical days - that doesn't make it wrong, but doesn't necessarily make it right in all cases either.
2007-03-24 23:17:54
answer #2
answered by Steve E 4
This is not a question for the Science category, but more for the Religion category.
Evolution does not contradict creationism. It only is an attempt to try to explain the world through empiricism. True, there are many faults and gaps in the theory of evolution. But evolution at its core is true: Organisms adapt to their environment, and those that adapt the best are the most successful. This is a fact that has been proven millions of times. Evolution is not intended to disprove god, nor does it come even close to doing so. You cannot propose creationism or intelligent design as an alternative to evolution because EVOLUTION IS SCIENCE. Creationism and Intelligent Design are BELIEFS. There is no way you can prove creationism nor can you prove intelligent design. That doesn't mean that they are wrong, it's just that they are not science. The goal of science is to provide a means of explaining the world around us through observation and experimentation. One cannot do that with creationism.
2007-03-24 23:13:46
answer #3
answered by colravi 2
Evolution is a scientific theory. As all scientists know, theories are there to be proven and disproven. I agree with you that "If we look at the evolutionary side, then we must also give creation a fair investigation as well." However, if we view everything as absolute, what room would be left for discovery of facts?
2007-03-24 23:12:04
answer #4
answered by Sherry 1
they cannot find the missing link. I have always believed in this statment; it is better to believe in god and find out that there isn't than to not believe and find out there is
2007-03-24 23:36:22
answer #5
answered by jerald g 1