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3 answers

Doug, Serenity, and Brown Eyed Beauty, kudos to you. I sometimes get the feeling we live in a world where people put up with *all kinds* of rudeness just because it's so commonplace. This crap should not be tolerated. People who are that inconsiderate should be thrown out of the theater -- and back when I worked in one, we *would* have thrown them out. Too much rude behavior is taken for granted, from what I see. Keep rebelling!

To answer your question, I don't think I've ever brought my cell phone *into* the theater. I somehow manage to live without that little life-support box attached to my ear, unlike so many people under the age of 25 or so. It's only for emergencies, for me. If I did take it into a theater, yes, I'd have the decency to set it on 'vibrate' AND would get up and leave if I got a call.

I feel almost as strongly about them in restaurants, grocery stores, parks, hiking trails, museums and other public places. I'm *livid* if I go to a library and someone is ruining my enjoyment or solitude, or distracting my studying by yakking on their phone.

I've complained to the management in several places. I informed one restaurant manager that I would stop my weekly patronage, and got a nice, understanding call from the district manager. It helped me to blow off steam about one incredibly obnoxious Nextel user (the worst!) who treated the surrounding tables to twenty minutes of both sides of his Neanderthal conversation, along with the beeps. Oh, if violence were legal...

Let business owners know you won't tolerate this in their establishment! Money talks. If they want to serve decent people and keep a decent atmosphere, it should be they who deal with these cell phone *******, not you and I.

2007-03-25 19:28:00 · answer #1 · answered by Question Mark 4 · 0 0

I do!! I put mine on vibrate so i know if somebody needs anything, i can GET UP AND LEAVE THE THEATER, instead of talking right in the middle of the movie and laughing and telling your whole life story!! That annoys the crap out of me!! so all of you reading this, TURN OFF YOUR FREAKING CELL PHONES!! it's not complicated!!

2007-03-24 22:12:20 · answer #2 · answered by -tiffanyyy!™ 3 · 1 0

Haha, I turn it off. I hate when people leave it on and then someone calls and they start talking during the movie. So annoying.

2007-03-24 22:02:44 · answer #3 · answered by Serenity 4 · 1 0

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