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20 answers

Yes if I loved them that wouldn't matter because what in the past is in the past and everyone deserve a chance to be happy. I think you maybe having doubts about telling someone about something that happened to you in the past and If that person loves you then they wouldn't let that affect your relationship. Don't be ashamed because of what happened to you it apart of you weather you expect it or not it you and I think you need to talk to someone about it so you can expect it and move on in your life. Good luck and don't get all work up over telling your g/f or b/f.

2007-03-24 15:20:33 · answer #1 · answered by randrnorman 3 · 2 0

Why would that even make you question staying in a relationship with someone? If you are that unprepared to accept difficult issues like that, which isn't even the person's fault, then you really aren't ready and mature enough for a serious relationship to begin with and need to look at your own issues.

2007-03-24 14:50:44 · answer #2 · answered by TechNeo 4 · 1 0

Yes and thank goodness my husband stayed when I told him. Someone that's abused shouldn't be made to pay for what their abuser did to them. It's ridiculous for anyone to think that their significant other won't come with some sort of baggage...just some of us have more than others.

2007-03-24 14:49:04 · answer #3 · answered by . 6 · 2 0

I would make that decision while dating. And, yes, in most cases I would. People today look for any excuse to drop one and pick up another. We need more people that are committed to one another.

And I practice what I preach: I am divorced and want no one but my ex, who had a very similar situation. I have waited now for 11 years. We are divorced, but he has never had anyone else, nor I. When I gave him my heart, I never took it back again.

2007-03-24 14:51:52 · answer #4 · answered by Sherry 2 · 1 0

Of course. What would make you not want to stay with them. It is not a persons fault if they were abused as a child. Chances are, it probably made them a kinder person, and someone who would appreciate someone who loves and respects them.

2007-03-24 14:49:18 · answer #5 · answered by I know, I know!!!! 6 · 2 0

Simply put:


It might affect how they think and/or act, but if they were your bf/gf/spouse, then that way must've been to your liking [I don't mean to make that sound sick ... ], before they told you.

So there's no reason why it should change your decision to stay with them.

2007-03-24 21:19:13 · answer #6 · answered by Alex 3 · 1 0

I was raped as a child. If someone ditched me because of that they'd b a moron.my partner was abused. I love him and will never leave. whats with these questions...why did you post the one about ditching ur husband while he had cancer in so many categories. I think you have a problem. whats this idea you have about ditching vunerable people...abused people...people with cancer....WTF

2007-03-24 22:52:13 · answer #7 · answered by . 6 · 0 0

It is good to know, so that I may be more gentle with her, I wouldn't want her to relive childhood memories if we got mad at each other. But then again, I am one of the nice guys, a boy next door, so to speak and other guys might not be as nice. I wouldn't have a problem dating them.

2007-03-24 19:16:39 · answer #8 · answered by Clark K 2 · 2 0

Boy friend / Girl friend no I would bolt! Wife I would stay. It's all in the vows. However, if I know ahead of time and I feel inadequate to assist in the overcoming of this problem, there is a moral obligation to leave it to a better man than I. Boy, I verbally dodged a bullet that time! Am I still a turd?

2007-03-24 14:51:38 · answer #9 · answered by delux_version 7 · 0 4

Yep..I mean when I find those kind of things out, I just want to help them and stand by them when they fall. It's not their fault, either, and so I wish I can just do something to erase that away.

2007-03-24 15:12:58 · answer #10 · answered by Banana Hero [sic] 7 · 2 0

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