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My sis is four and when she sees my parents together, she gets VERY jealous. Usually, they'll be talking to eachother and she doesn't really mind. But when they are close together i.e. sitting on the couch together, holding eachother, hugging she'll try to get in between them or demand them to break away. I remember she saw them kiss eachother and she just broke out in tears and want my mom to pick her up. Another time my parents anniversary came around and they were explaining to her why they were going somewhere, she didn't want them to leave. While my father was explaining to her she was "eww"-ing. I have no clue why she thought that was disgusting, the idea of them getting married or celebrating. She started teasing them about them being married (beats me). She saw my older brother hugging my mother and she started talking the usual crap. (ewwing, teasing, telling her to stop). When I hug my mother she never does it to me though. (?) My parents always give her att. she's spoiled

2007-03-24 14:13:42 · 4 answers · asked by uglyvanity 3 in Social Science Psychology

so I don't think it's her feeling unloved or lacking attention. My parents are also aware of her jealousy. I tried talking to her but it doesn't work. Does anyone know if this is a common stage or what could be wrong here?

2007-03-24 14:15:06 · update #1

4 answers

i really dont know what the problem could be, but hopefully she will grow out of it...good luck xoxo!!

2007-03-24 14:22:13 · answer #1 · answered by ♥Im Eric's Chic♥ 3 · 0 0

It sounds like she's just in the- "You shall only pay attention to me and no one else"- stage. She seems to love being center of attention---and since she's the youngest, it's only natural.

The youngest are usually always the 'baby'.

Don't worry, it's just a stage. She definitely get over it.

(Don't forget, she's only four. So the --"eww boys have kuddies" and "kissing is gross" thing is what we all did at some point.)

2007-03-24 21:55:59 · answer #2 · answered by krazy_deviltry 2 · 0 0

ur baby is in the phallic stage. when is i studied this few weeks ago, i find it so weird and i dont think this is true. and this study by Freud is so controversial. when i read ur story...i go OMG it is true then to some extend.
well, in a phallic stage, it says...children experienced early sexual awakenings. and ur sis might be interested in ur dad(?) and develop a sexual attachment to ur dad (i know this sounds so awkward).
however, Freud believes this stage is a milestone in the development of gender identity where later girls will develop to follow the traits of their mom and boys will follow the traits of their father.
this identification helps form the superego as children internalize the parents' values and moral beliefs.
i hope this helps u to understand ur sis. it is just a phase. it will worn out around 6 yrs old. this is just an understanding from a psychology side. as i said earlier, i find it very incredulous when i studied it. it sure applies to ur sister case...but just to some extend..

2007-03-24 21:51:56 · answer #3 · answered by lisacan 2 · 0 0

It a common stage but as she gets older and see how the family held together and the love and bond of a marriage as well as a family she will learn to respect and enjoy it. Good luck and in resting question.

2007-03-24 21:28:14 · answer #4 · answered by randrnorman 3 · 0 0

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