well idk...r u? U even said u were!! so i gess u r!!!!! U need 2 THINK b4 U SPEAK dude.....(bein sarcastic!) so wat u gotta say bout that? huh? lol
2007-03-24 14:40:59
answer #1
answered by NikNak13 2
Depends.. are you quick-witted? Do you always have a comeback? Try to step back and listen to yourself. Kind of hard to do but it IS doable. If you can't seem to, ask other friends, and put it bluntly... 'Do I act like a smartass?" Tally their answers.
If you want to change, I suppose you have to start with not always having the last word. Then work on the comebacks.
It's not always bad to be a smartass, so I wouldn't worry about it to much.
2007-03-24 21:19:24
answer #2
answered by PurePurr 3
try thinking first, then speaking or typing. Things that you might think are funny may be hurtful or annoyng to others. Not everyone has the same sense of humor.
2007-03-24 21:24:10
answer #3
answered by griffyn10941 5
Doubts have made the man to worry about himself! Know yourself and your purpose in this world! You have to find it out for yourself, no one can really help you to find the right answer.
2007-03-25 12:55:26
answer #4
answered by kampirus 2
how about stop worrying what some anonymous person said about you in a posting where they might have interpreted something incorrectly.
2007-03-24 21:20:14
answer #5
answered by thunder2sys 7
NO you are not, or at least I don't think so, maybe we all are sometimes, perceptions play a role in everything.
2007-03-24 21:22:14
answer #6
answered by Friend 6
um, Centurion? You say very precisely in your profile that you're a smartass...............
2007-03-25 11:33:16
answer #7
answered by beachblue99 4