Nature does most, it is like the highway system. You have the choice of driving in any of the lanes, but generally you are stuck with staying on the road. No road, no place to go.
2007-03-24 13:41:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Nature is essentially the genetic blueprint and the preset genes you have the day you are born. This creates the mechanism (brain, nervous system, endocrine system, etc.) that actuate your behavior.
Once this is formed, it reacts to the environment and what you experience by functioning and adapting. This is nurture.
For example, when you are born your brain has most of its vision system intact and mature (hopefully) from the retina back into the primary visual cortex and further forward into the frontal cortex. You don't know anything yet.
After a while and after exposure to your mom, your brain starts using an inherent mechanism to connect the visual pattern you'll later identify as mom's face with other stimuli and reinforcing the connections by increasing the number of and ease of activation of pathways connecting what you will later call mom's face with comfort and food and all sorts of things.
This impacts your behavior.
The existence of this ability to make connections (and how efficiently it acts) is nature. The connections made are nurture. Problems with the mechanism (say the ability to make connections works slowly, if at all) can cause radical problems with the resulting behavior. Missing the exposure to the stimuli to activate the mechanism can also cause problems with the resulting behavior.
Back to the example, if you genetically don't make the proper tyes of receptors in neurons and lack the ability to make connections, you will never connect mom to any of what she does and may never learn how to be sympathetic or trust anyone else. If, instead, you have the capacity but mom never actually cares for you, you can have similar behaviors... except, depending on whether there is a particular time frame that these cells can learn and then stop, there's the possibility of learning those qualities later.
2007-03-24 14:14:55
answer #2
answered by Deathbunny 5
Nature and nurture influence human behavior. For example, a baby not cuddled and held for the first five years of its life may lack the capability to love. However, for Nature, it may be something like having a genetic disorder of some sort that makes you extremely fertile. Thusly so, an action chosen later in life will most likely result in a child that will not be loved by this person who was influenced by both concepts of Nature and Nurture.
2007-03-24 13:48:32
answer #3
answered by Lady Myrkr 6
Nature in psychology is like your environment and the things around you. If you live in the city, what is your lifestyle like and how do you handle things differently than someone who lives in the country, or another region. Nurture is your bond with family and friends and how that affects your life and decisions--being close v. being a loner.
2007-03-24 13:46:19
answer #4
answered by kaiyas_mom07 2
Short answer. Nature VIA nurture.
2007-03-24 13:46:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
by nature, we all long to know God. by nurture, we're given a lot of temporal replacements... just for example
2016-03-29 03:00:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If it were just nature without technology most wouldn't know how to survive. No skills to help themselves. Wouldn't eat. Cold. Good bye.
2007-03-24 16:15:48
answer #7
answered by nomisthgiwd 5
I think they go hand in hand in influencing human behavior. Basically it is heredity vs. environment, which are both requirements for making us what we become. Genes make us what we are, and environment make us who we are.
2007-03-24 14:44:01
answer #8
answered by ragincajun1957 4
Hmmm. Well, does this poem help you that I wrote?
Nurture me
Hold me in your arms
Encircle me with your branches
Bounce me on your limbs
Quench my thirst with your springs
Awaken my innermost desires
With your undeniable beauty
Spend the time
To Take her in your care
Hold her close to your heart
Appreciate her
Love her as your very own
She is
2007-03-24 13:42:07
answer #9
answered by Cindy P 4
Its all how you perceive it..... either argument is correct to a degree
2007-03-24 15:48:29
answer #10
answered by macrominded 3