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Ideally, I'm looking for good resources including:
- The bare bones skeleton of a business proposal
- Addendums specific for restaurant ventures
- Resources to research the competition in my city
- Calculators to estimate profit over time

Any help is appreciated. Anyone who has worked with venture capitalists or started their own service industry-based business are encouraged to reply.

2007-03-24 11:58:57 · 3 answers · asked by bmw527 1 in Business & Finance Small Business

3 answers

Here's a sample business plan specifically for a restaurant.


Here's another website with plan examples:


You could also contact the SBA:




2007-03-24 14:15:16 · answer #1 · answered by dbmartin 2 · 0 0

well there are a few places i would try for help. Your local chamber of commerce and the local service core of retired exec. A good business plan is very important. I don't know where your located or where u want to start but you need to do serious research on your competitors. Know them like nthe back of your hand before you begin. next is location. It does you no good to have a dinner spot on the wrong side of a divided highway. It also does no one any good to have one that is hard to find, hard to see, hard to get in and out of. If the building your looking at was a restaurant why did it fail? Make sure you have enough working capitol to pay 100% of your expences for 6 months. Most business I have come across are under funded. If you do not know the food business in some way shap or form like your a chef or have managed places before don't do it. Do what you know. If your real set on having your own place stop and go work for someone else for a few months I would prefer a year. You will not find too many if any venture capitiol people who will invest in a start up business where the person asking for the funding does not know the industry better then their own mother. Even then most will not invest unless there is realestate ad security like your home of what ever. I this helps don't hesitate to contact me for further assistance.

2007-03-30 17:36:02 · answer #2 · answered by asccaracer 5 · 0 0


2007-03-31 09:21:25 · answer #3 · answered by Marcel SJ Rossignol 2 · 0 0

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