I thought that labor was going to be the worst thing ever i was terrified and cried thinking about it. http://www.americanpregnancy.org/labornbirth/narcotics.html
If you go to that website it talkes about the different drugs you can get and even effects it can have on you and the baby.
If you go to that link scroll down and go to pain relief options. It will tell you all the different kinds of pain relief not just narcotics.
---My son will be two weeks old on monday and for my labor i had nubain, it made me feel pretty good i knew i was in pain but i just didnt care lol. (nubain alters how your body reacts to pain) after a while it started to wear off and they told me they couldnt give me anymore for another 5 hours so i ended up getting an epidural. I got three epidurals because it didnt take right the first two times. Once it took i felt awesome. I was reading, watching tv, and eating italian ice. My doctor came in checked my cervix and i was 10cm dilated the nurse told me to let her know when i was having my next contraction so i could start pushing but i wasnt even feeling them so i didnt say anything and actually fell asleep. I woke up and i looked at the monitor and where it measures your contractions it was like 180 i think and i told my mom and boyfriend "oh that must hurt." then went back to sleep. Then i woke up a lil later and asked the nurse if i could start pushing. she had to tell me when to push because i didnt know when i was having contractions.
-so because of the nubain and epidural i got sleep and i didnt feel pain but because of the nubain befor i had the epidural i could feel pain but simply didnt care it didnt bother me at all. I guess its hard to explain but i knew i was in pain but i didnt actually feel that pain, like i said hard to explain.
sorry its long- if you have any questions or anything about labor and delivery you can email me at halfLaydee_halfThug@yahoo.com
2007-03-24 11:42:52
answer #1
answered by Jenn 3
Everyone has a different tolerance for pain, but you never know what your particular labor is going to be like. I didn't even know I was in labor till I went to the doctor because I was having menstrual cramps. After I was at the hospital about an hour I asked the nurse when people usually get the epidural and she said, "Oh, honey, usually way before where you are at." So, I waited another hour and then it started hurting pretty bad so I got the epidural. Three hours later I gave birth and I didn't feel a thing! Just don't worry about it and you'll be fine. Good luck!
2007-03-24 11:27:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You're getting so far ahead of yourself here. Take a deep breath.
Okay, if you really don't think you could handle it, why not adopt?
The labour pain is just one short blip in your life. I had to have a C section, but did go through labour to the pushing stage. Yeah, it hurt. Would I do it again? Absolutely.
By the way, having a C section is not a way to avoid pain. It's major surgery. You have an incision roughly 12 cm 'hidden' in your bikini area. They pull your tummy muscles apart to get to your uterus. No it doesn't hurt while it's done, but the healing process is not pain-free. I don't mean to scare you, I just hate seeing the "well, then get a C section" answers.
When you are pregnant, and in labour, you can refuse pain medication if you wish, or insist on it. Get a doula (midwife's assistant) whether you have a midwife or an OB, they are there to stand up for their client and ensure that their clients wishes/needs are looked after.
Take a pre-delivery course. They'll teach you coping mechanisms to deal with the pain. No, that's not as good as drugs (lemmetellya, a spinal is heaven, especially when you NEED to push but pushing would hurt the baby), but it helps, and can get you through the initial stages of labour.
Best of luck!
2007-03-24 11:36:46
answer #3
answered by melanie 5
The pain is bearable, otherwise the worlds population would be dwindling. Yes it hurts but the old cliche is true, as soon as the baby is out you forget the pain. Also you don't get drugs as soon as you enter the hospital in labour. I only had the pethidine shot when I was 6 hours into labour and the rest of the time I was just on the gas. You can have an epidural but again they don't do it as soon as you walk through the doors so there is no need to worry.
Just enjoy your pregnancy (when it happens). I loved being pregnant and the joy you get once you see your baby is unexplainable.
2007-03-24 11:31:23
answer #4
answered by wickedly_funny66 5
It is daunting when you dont know what to expect. The key is to do your homework. Find out everything and anything you can about labour and birth, and expect the unexpected. I birthed both my children naturally with any meds. And yeah,it hurts like hell, but it's not constant, the pain starts, gets worse then fades away. But it's so worth it in the end. I'm pregnant with my third child and I'm not at all scared about giving birth this time. I hope you don't let the thought of a few hours of pain put you off a lifetime of joy! Good luck.
2007-03-24 11:28:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Ok, when I got pregnant the very first thing I worried about was the labor. Nothing else scared me so much. I even freaked myself out watching videos online of labor so I would know what it was like. But by the time I was 9 months preg I wasn't afraid anymore. I was too tired of being so huge and uncomfortable. My friend was alos the same way. Also about the meds, you'll be fine. Your Dr. will know exactly when to give them to you. Just know that even if you're unsure, your body knows how to deliver a baby. You and you baby would be just fine.
2007-03-24 11:45:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Every woman's experience is different, but it's no walk in the park. It is painful, but woman all over the world give birth everyday. Some in third world countries have nothing more than a bucket of water and a few towels. Be glad you live in a country that can medicate you and help you through the process. Consider getting an Epidural or if you are that worried schedule a C-Section. Talk to your obgyn about your fears and I'm sure they can help you get over them.
2007-03-24 11:28:53
answer #7
answered by sweetsar99 3
It varies. Some people say it's horrible but some people say they had pretty much painless births. Wouldn't you rather risk the pain and have a child of your own? It's only for a short time of your life and a child is going to be a part of you forever!
But if you don't want to, you can always adopt! If you want a biological child that bad, you should ask around (doctors, hospitals, pregnant women, etc...)
And don't let your husband or anyone else pressure you. Their not going to be the ones giving birth :)
2007-03-24 11:29:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
labor does hurt but its worth it. and the pain dont stay youll feel it then it goes away. and then when you have the baby the pain disappears it dont linger afterwards mild cramping almost like your getting your period but the nurses bring you motrin and its the good kind to. when i was in labor with my son i had the epidural and right after i didnt feel anything from my waist down i loved it. you dont have to have pain meds right away they dont force it on you when i first went to the hospital they told me if i wanted the epidural all i do is ask for it. i told them i wanted to see if i can try it without it first then if i couldnt handle it then i would get it. well 2 hours lator i wanted it the pain started to get to intence for me to handle i hate any kinds of pain so then i had the epidural. and now im pregnant again im 7 weeks and im gonna get the epidural again probily alot sooner this time since i already know what the pain feels like.
2007-03-24 12:14:13
answer #9
answered by mommy2brandon14212 2
Meds won't cause major problems if you're in good health. Generally, they will not cause any problems no matter when in your labor you take them.
Pregnancy and labor/delivery are difficult but it's not the complete nightmare women make it out to be. For some, it's more intense and painful. For others, it's quick and with little pain. If you take care of yourself, eat right, and get plenty of exercise, your entire experience shouldn't be too bad.
2007-03-24 11:26:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous