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39 answers

Yes I do, she is a strong, very intelligent person, not afraid to stand up and do the right thing. This is something that has been lacking the last 6 years. To many have died as the result of a presidents lies. I think that Hillary can turn the country around and get it back in the right direction.

2007-03-24 11:17:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

She'd be fine.

Unfortunately, she'll do most everything that any other President would do, which will dissolution liberals who think there are "other" ways to respond to things than the way we do.

Almost always a President is limited in the choices he or she can make in response to events outside their control.

Knowing this, Hillary Clinton would be responsible for the coming war against Iran, which will dismay ignorant liberals, further demoralizing their faith in government.

I almost think it's better to keep a Republican President in office through our war years, if only so that the liberals can keep their faith in the4ir own propaganda.

2007-03-24 11:39:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, if you like the "Clinton Death List" found on line, and often spoken of by Rush Limbaugh... The 350 murders around the Clintonista's... Whacking all 28 of his body guards from his first campaign... The murders of VInce Foster and James Macdougal... Oh, and the ever loving memory of Waco, where more laws were broken than we can count... Or the 1995 Rhombus Crime bill, where Mr. Clinton felt that the 4th ammendment meant nothing, and that we should have the 'clipper chip' installed so that the govt. can read all e-mails, and listen into all private telephone calls... making sure that we American's NEVER get a right to privacy act... And of course, the ever loved 'Goals 2000' Ms. Clinton wrote for Ark. for their public school system. A bill rejected by our legislators for her wish to impose such laws, which was stated in the bill, making it a criminal act (a "hate crime") for the parent to teach their child the "Biblical referrences" to homosexuality, and calling it "teaching hatred." When the US rejected this horrible censoring attempt, which would have created the first religous prisoners in our US history, the UN sucked it up and made it a charter in the UN Rights Of The Child. Also, the push for a national healthcare, national socialized medicine, or socialism to the fullist here in the US. Well, nothing like the simple minded to wait until the baby boomers turn old enough to need health care to turn socialist... Enough people in that age group to more than bankrupt our nation. Just imagine gas prices when the taxes to cover that kind of mass socialism is set into place! Also, the laws infringing our 'rights of the individaul' that would be imposed due to the socialism... The ban on smoking passed in England, due to smoking raising health care cost, it was ban totally... Next on the list, eating meat- caffiene-drinking alcohol... With that kind of big government socialism you will get more and more loss of personal freedoms, just as our founding fathers stated that we would if we turned socialist... It turns quickly to collectivism, or working for the collective good, such as Karl Marx stated... It is Marxism, and will bring the loss of freedoms... When a board of collectivists decides that for the collective good that we should ban certain things, with the excuse that it 'raises health care costs,' and we loose the rights to choose for ourselves how we shall live our own lives... When you get government money you get govt. control! Big govt= Big brother! America does not need the nightmare of the ignorant Clintonista's back in office... Just remember NAFTA, GATT (creating the World Trade Org. and the World Bank) started by those morons when you vote!!!! signed -Peace, love, and Truth- head of the libertarian party!

2007-03-24 11:26:37 · answer #3 · answered by Truth 1 · 3 1

No I don't. Her Presidency would marr the office of the White House, just as her husband's did. She would be a disgrace, and there would probably be more Senate investigations into more shady deals in her background. Sure she's intelligent, sure she has leadership ability but trust? NO WAY. I don't know for sure that she would be acting on the will of the people.

2007-03-24 11:14:04 · answer #4 · answered by Tazzy G 3 · 6 1

My gut reaction to Hillary is that I detest her, her husband, and everything about them.

Hillary is grasping. She feels she is superior [re: "We're going to have to take some things from you for the common good."] and entitled.
She is a socialist and a grabber--remember those "excess" profits? She's dishonest-- remember the FBI files she had upstairs in the WH?

I detest the woman. I'd vote for nearly anyone to keep the Pants Suit out of the WH.

2007-03-24 11:20:20 · answer #5 · answered by Delray 3 · 3 1


As a military Member, I pray she never takes office.

Under her husband we lost about 7400 Soldiers....in a time of PEACE.

Under Bush we have lost only 7200...in a time of WAR...

do the math...I wouldn't want her in office, ever.

2007-03-24 11:32:17 · answer #6 · answered by Q-burt 5 · 2 0

I do not llike having relatives of recent presidents in office. I think there ought to be a rule about related persons holding any federally elected office.

2007-03-24 11:15:40 · answer #7 · answered by ANGEL D. 3 · 2 2

President of Russia maybe, but not the US.

2007-03-27 13:26:51 · answer #8 · answered by edward m 4 · 0 0

Yes, in a foreign country!

2007-03-24 11:54:17 · answer #9 · answered by rucrazy5150 4 · 0 0

She already had her 8 years as president, she should be barred from running again.

2007-03-24 11:12:16 · answer #10 · answered by WC 7 · 10 0

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