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21 answers

I don't ! America "Is" the world police.........Don't know about the media , but the way it is treating my country, i m 100% convinced that American governament considers them 'the world police' !

2007-03-24 08:25:44 · answer #1 · answered by ★Roshni★ 6 · 1 1

Just another country? have you looked at the history? the United States has been invloved in an international conflict at least once a decade for at least the last 100 years. Some of these conflicts did not affect or threaten to affect America. If that isn't trying to play cop to the world I don't know what would qualify.

2007-03-24 08:19:20 · answer #2 · answered by Silver phoenix 3 · 2 1

Unfortunately,we've been saddled with a government that beleives that we must "project power" and bring democracy to the rest of the world at the end of a gun.

I'm not just referring to George Bush.This has been a mark of American politics since the Spanish-American War.

The only completely justifiable wars we have fought since the American Civil War have been World War II and the current conflict in Afghanistan.

We have wasted trillions,when adjusted for inflation,on misbegotten armed political statements time and again.
We have spent more on military expenditures than the total combined wealth of the nation.

We could have eradicated poverty,funded social security,given universal health care to all of our citizens and been energy independent,with enough left over for a solid national defense with those funds.

Instead,we have thrown good money after bad,created enemies right and left,and are in far more danger here at home than ever before.

It's insane,but it's reality.

2007-03-24 08:23:00 · answer #3 · answered by Zapatta McFrench 5 · 3 1

It's another country but with an arrogant,xenophobic bunch of warmongers in charge of it.

They think they are the world police but they are hated by a lot of people and are realy just bullies.

2007-03-24 17:47:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am an American and decided to come over and get another view of America from our cousins, the Brits. It is rather embarrassing to see some of the replies to this question from my countrymen. Humility doesn't appear to be our strong suit, does it?
Now, to the question: I believe that for far too long we have allowed ourselves to be brainwashed by corrupt, power mongering entities who only have their own best interests in mind. Generally, that involves their pocketbooks. As an American I am sick and tired of being told we need to go here and there to "police actions", interfering in the affairs of other sovereign nations. Putting our noses where they don't belong. I am sick of our leaders lying to us to get us to go along.
I don't argue that we are a world power, but as the old saying goes, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Perhaps we can remedy the current situation in our next election and put someone in power who understands the concepts of diplomacy, generosity and wisdom. Bear with us until that glorious day arrives, please. I think you only get a fraction of the confusion and chaos that is going on over here because of our current leadership. But, we did it to ourselves, so only we can remedy it. Hopefully, we have learned our lesson and will be more astute next election.

2007-03-24 14:39:53 · answer #5 · answered by Slimsmom 6 · 1 0

The American's are the top dog. Who is in a position to say otherwise?

There was a time when Britain was top dog and we sorted out the world's problems. Now it is the turn of the American's to bear the burden. So far they seem to have coped very well with that responsibility despite having more than their fair share of bleeding heart liberals within their ranks.

2007-03-24 13:24:07 · answer #6 · answered by frank S 5 · 0 1

America is more than "just another country".

America is special and cannot be compared to other countries in any fundamental sense.

The truest cliche that still exists to this day is this:

" There are only two countries on this planet: America, and everyone else"

God bless America - the world strongest, richest, developed, technologically advanced, optimistic nation to ever exist.

Even the Romans would be beside themselves with envy. Could you blame them?

2007-03-24 10:11:37 · answer #7 · answered by quarterback 2 · 0 2

Even though I usually disagree with the media, I think America is the world police. We are the most powerful, and influential nation on earth. We are full of opportunity and prosperity. Shame on those of you who dislike this glorious and wonderful country.

2007-03-24 08:17:56 · answer #8 · answered by The Reaganite 3 · 1 2

I think the world is much smaller then it used to be and we really don't have the room to be separate super powers or police of the world!

That is what is so wrong with this world super powers cannot continue to breed hate and invade and conquer other cultures and countries calling them the "evil ones" and terrorists!

We are no different, our culture is all we know as is theirs, we must stop the dirty terror hate spreaders our leaders from this constant need to battle, over turn and conquer and all for financial profits!

I am mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!

Are You?

2007-03-24 09:26:43 · answer #9 · answered by Crampy Grampy 4 · 0 2

The problem is that America thinks it is the world police, and acts like it is, so it doesnt matter what we or the media think really.

2007-03-24 08:12:22 · answer #10 · answered by jeanimus 7 · 4 2

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