This question should read : What 6 cities should be in the NHL retraction? That would make more sense.
2007-03-24 08:22:01
answer #1
answered by Bob Loblaw 7
Expansion is definitely not a wise idea, at least not 6 teams anyway. Relocation is far better take the Panthers out of Florida move them to Winnipeg. And I suppose if expansion were something needed that Winnipeg and Kansas City would be the first two choices, with maybe long shots in Quebec, Vegas, and Seattle. I will also say that if you had a team such as Quebec and Winnipeg that you best have a heck of a deal ready to get your team back.
2007-03-24 09:59:26
answer #2
answered by Jerm 1
No more expansion it has diluted the talent and hurt the core traditional market area (Chicago-Boston- extra) Contract 4 teams.
Move Florida to Winnipeg maybe Atlanta or Nashville into say Milwaukee after all people at least like hockey in Wisconsin.
After that can somebody in Canada tell me if Hamilton or Quebec City could support a team. Washington fan base is a joke they'll never support hockey. Also Gretzky get hockey out of Phoenix.
2007-03-24 08:08:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't think there should be any expansion until all 30 current teams are sound. I think that it would make more sense to move some of the existing teams such as Nashville, Phoenix and Florida, hopefully to put teams back in long time markets like Winnipeg or Hartford, or new markets like Portland or Seattle (the Northwest US has been neglected for years) Kansas City, Houston and Las Vegas should be considered if the other locations are not feasable. I would like to see Regina, Hamilton or Quebec get teams but that's unlikely.
2007-03-24 08:08:16
answer #4
answered by Limestoner62 6
Cities that don't deserve a team: Phoenix, St. Louis, Florida (Florida doesn't need 2 teams, and Tampa Bay has some good fan support) and get rid of either/both the Islanders or Devils (neither team has fan support and do nothing for the league). You can't get rid of a Original 6 team like Chicago even though they're not doing great and don't sell out games, and you can't get rid of a Canadian team because they always sell tickets.
Cities that should have a team, Hartford wants a team back as does Winnipeg and Quebec. Las Vegas and Portland want teams. I actually think Seattle could support a team too. You could put a team anywhere in Canada and they'd sell tickets like Halifax or Hamilton.
I think that's a good indicator who should be in the league and who shouldn't, Nashville the best team in the league is 88% attendance, shouldn't the best team in the league be selling out games left and right, look at New Jersey, 2nd in the East, 73% attendance? they're winning games, shouldn't they be selling tickets? How do you explain Philadelphia, worst team in the league, and they still have their fan base. You can't say the south is hurting the league either though, Tampa Bay and Dallas like their hockey.
Kansas City can not support a team, look at St. Louis, one of the worst in fan support, can Missouri support two teams? they can barely support one.
2007-03-24 12:37:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
1. Philadelphia
We could use a good hockey team.
Seriously, I think the league should reduce the number of teams. But if I was a fan of expansion, I think the following cities deserve a team.
Winnipeg, Milwaukee, Seattle, Chicago (market is big enough for 2), Salt Lake City, and Regina/Saskatoon. In lieu of Chicago, I submit Halifax.
2007-03-24 08:43:26
answer #6
answered by Awesome Bill 7
Seattle Steeers
Prince George Gojes(the battle of BC)
Yellow Knife Murderers(look at the weather)
White Horses (look at the weather)
Saskatoon Blazers
St. John Giants
and get rid of edmonton and calgary
2007-03-25 14:31:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
1. Las Vegas
2. Seattle
3. Milwaukee
4. Portland
5. Orlando??
6. Indianapolis
before I answer which team should be moved to better the market, I wanna know which city in Florida do the Florida Panthers play in??because as far as what I know, they play in a city that isn't considered as one of the major cities in the U.S in any way. So instead of moving the Panthers out of the state of Florida, why don't the just move them to a different city; such as Orland like I listed above, or even Miami could probably draw more fans than they do in their current city.
2007-03-24 10:14:17
answer #8
answered by MrEntrepreneur 3
Retract 6 of our current teams to make it 24 teams total again. Then replace two non-hockey cities and bring it back to Quebec City and Winnipeg.
2007-03-25 15:38:07
answer #9
answered by hockeyg11rl 2
Portland's been begging for a NHL team for years, the arena's in place already, support for the Portland Winter Hawks was good last I checked (and that's a Junior League team). Besides they really need something in that town besides the Jail Blazers. Hell I've lived in Portland, and it's really not one of my favorite places on Earth , but I think it would've been a better choice than Columbus
2007-03-24 14:23:03
answer #10
answered by Wedge_Antilles_72 6
There should not be any expansion. The talent is so diluted right now the league can't afford to expand anymore. They talk about moving teams from one city to another but I don't think they should add new teams. I think the 2 things that hurt hockey were leaving Canada and moving to the warmer climates (Phoenix, Dallas, etc.).
2007-03-24 08:04:26
answer #11
answered by oshmikeosh 2