Problem with pigeons is that once they roost, they always come back. So, this is what you need to do (and I would recommend calling a professional pigeon abatement service to do this, but it is not required):
1. Get on your roof. Look for eaves, nooks, anywhere a pigeon can build a nest. You need to remove all existing nests and block off (use hardware cloth or wood blocking - not chicken wire, the pigeons can push through that) all the potential nesting sites.
2. Have the existing pigeons killed. You can use poison, but there are other means.
3. Maintain a pigeon free roof: continue to inspect your roof for nests and the like. If pigeons come back and nest again, you will have to repeat this procedure.
2007-03-24 10:14:18
answer #1
answered by Big Super 6
I work at an industrial plant and we have a pigeon problem. We hire a falconer from time to time, and he comes out with his birds and sets them on the pigeons. after a couple days of the birds geting the pigeons, we have no pigeons for quite a while. I don't know where to find falconers though.
2007-03-24 19:14:49
answer #2
answered by 107Dan 3
Sorry but the best answer is to feed them poison grain. That is the only way that works for sure. If you live outside the city limits then a rock to spook them ant a 12 GA will sometimes work.
2007-03-24 15:01:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There is a product that looks like a series of sharp spikes the you can put everywhere a bird can roost. It's ugly but effective. It's actually called Pigion spikes. Type it into your search and there are several to choose from.
2007-03-24 15:15:03
answer #4
answered by RickinAlaska 4
heard someone say rubber snakes
there is a product called tanglefoot.. sticky paint on stuff. a moving owl might work. last time i got rid of a few. i shot 2 with bb gun and guessing they didnt like the blood left behind.. nasty birds
2007-03-24 15:01:46
answer #5
answered by hometech02 3
Try the spikes. Please don't use poison. It'll only kill something else further down the food chain. Even shooting them is more humane than poison.
2007-03-24 15:19:26
answer #6
answered by tartu2222 6