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I can't decide who is dumber, the extreme right or left. Newt Gingrich has an affair with an aide while criticizing Clinton. Mitt Romney brags about joining the NRA (last August!) just one or two years after claiming opposition to it. There are the Loose Change 9/11 Conspiracy loonies, and the Right Wing that says that 9/11 is all Clinton's fault. Finally, there is the holier than thou Hollywood Left who want to adopt "exotic" children as if they were cute pets not human beings, and Al Gore and his Carbon-Trading Carbon-Neutral bulls***. Who is worse, those who cry "right-wing conspiracy" or those who denounce the "left wing anti-American agenda?"

2007-03-24 07:26:09 · 15 answers · asked by damilitia 2 in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

First of all, "the right winged conspiracy" is a term, coined
by Hillary Rodham Clinton, during the 1990s.
She did not invent the term, she just emphasized it for
public impressions.
Hillary is an active democrat, and believes in being true to
her convictions.
Now how close are her convictions to calm judgment and
common sense may be a flag of a different color.
Hillary has learned well the skill of public address and the
many interpretive ways to present sensible views on
potentially incendiary issues of the day.
Unfortunately, they are not always the best way to go, in terms
of executive leadership and steering the ship of state.(America)

Liberalism, which is tied to type "A" personalities has many
adherents, in the USA.
This includes multicuralism, diversity, and especially
politically correctness.
Unfortunately, this "political correctness" is slowly choking
the life out of the middle class tier in American society.
From our President George W. Bush down to the lowest
mail clerk in government, we have seen nothing but
alienation from true interpretations of the US Constitution,
a deliberate dumbing down of America, through the efforts of the National Educational Association (NEA) who has allowed
revisionistic history to flourish in all American schools,
example: Pearl Harbor as a Japanese error, wasn't mean't to occur. (study true history, note the disparity)

Any good leader knows you set the scene by setting the
example, you have to be a realistic role model, not a
vascillating bowl of jello.
President Bush has had the last 7 years to make the right
decisions and lead America down the road less travelled,
and be the role model to our younger neighbors.
The President of the United States is the number one leader of the free world, therefore the responsibility becomes
manifold to do the right thing.

The political right, to my way of thinking has come closer to the peace and freedom mark than the left.
I personally favor centrist thinking, as it allows room for both
left and right political adjustment.
I especially favor independent conservatism as it includes
ways to preserve our natural resources (domestic and
foreign) "peace through strength" Reagan's credo, so also
a strong military with appropriate guns and munitions support.
Also a 450 ship US Navy, needed to help thwart any plans
of being attacked by outside terrorists of any kind.
Enforce and militarize all US borders, use 2 divisions
of troops if needed (each division is 18 to 20 thousand
in number)
English is the official spoken language in the United States,
if you can't speak it, take English as a second language (ESL) at any community college, night or day.
Be proud of our culture and keep alive the spirit of those who came before us, and helped carve out a forward looking civilization, ouf of all the strife, blood and conquest.

The politics left has merit too, in some ways, but not all.
Its too bad all the liberals have taken the left to mean
re-interpretation of our life styles as we know it, and that
causes shrinkage of many of our rights and freedoms, all
you have to do is look around you, and follow the activities
of the ACLU, thats all you need to know.

I hope I addressed your question adequately.

Thats my message, good luck.

Donald H. Sites

2007-03-24 08:23:23 · answer #1 · answered by sueanddon350@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

Let define terms. I don't mean conservative - that means a person who is disinclined to spend money, wary of changing any policy, and generally doesn't want a large government. I disagree - I think government can be, and has been, a powerful force to improve people's lives. However, I can respect their views, and sometimes, in situations, it's correct.

However, I don't like, and have no respect for authoritarians. This country is built on laws. Certain individuals wanted to make the point that even the President could be impeached for committing perjury. However, they are strangly silent when a different President is tapping phone calls without warrants. There are a number of people who think that the President of the United States doesn't have to answer to anybody, and many of them are in powerful positions.

So, I think that "right-wing conspiracy" - which I would rather term authoritarian devotees, and their slavish sycophants, are the far more dangerous people today.

"left wing anti-American agenda" I just imagine a few people in a tiny office trying to fix a mimeograph machine - the hard left in this country is gone. There are no Socialists of any account left. Even the anti-gun lobby is dead.

2007-03-24 07:38:50 · answer #2 · answered by John T 6 · 0 1

Stupid is stupid, and I hate stupid people. I even hate it when I have an ocasional stupid moment! It seem pritty close, so I am not sure. That is why I chose not to chose any of them, when it comes to having brains, or even running our countrey! I did not vote for them. I voted for Nater because he seemed to be the only canidet that was qualified to do the job, but I have no clue who I will vote for next election! Nater went and quit on me! He has been running for the last four or five elections, so I know he is presistant! What I do not understand is why quit now. Clintion had a few flaws during his term, but over all he did improve our educational system, he lowered our national defficet, and he did show us all that there are tecalitys to what things really are! Children should not be treated like pets, because human lives are worth so much more than that! Children deserve to be treated better than that, and Al Gore is a pansey so what did you expect form him!

2007-03-24 07:43:16 · answer #3 · answered by princeessintraning 4 · 0 0

While each sides extremists are a bit off base, the right definitely makes more sense and has our countries safety in mind, while the left just wants to roll over and give this country away so they can be politically correct!

By far the left is much much worse!

2007-03-24 07:44:12 · answer #4 · answered by Bunz 5 · 1 0

Both have their hate. Both have their extremes. I would say at the moment I fear more of the left-wing. They are numerous, powerful, cunning, and just as deceitful. It is a generational thing. 40-50 years ago I would have feared the right-wing just as much. But for the times we live in now......I think right-wing are the better of two evils.

2007-03-24 07:39:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

as for regular everyday people... i think it would be the people who lean left. for sure if you are talking academic type smarts. i remember in college the stupid people (most of them) have now grown in to be liberals. always whining, wanting everything given to them, not wanting to work, being too stupid to know how to manage their money.

as far as politicians -- it's hard to keep up with their hypocrisies. i think their followers are the stupid ones for electing them and not questioning their actions and criticisms of others. I didn't like bill clinton nor did i agree with his affairs, but i don't need newt going around criticizing clinton and doing the same thing while representing the republican party.

2007-03-24 08:05:17 · answer #6 · answered by curious_One 5 · 1 0

Both... its like a bell curve.

at the two extremes the lowest points are reached (ignorance and stupidity), but as you move more towards the center the height increases until you meet at the highest point which is usually dead center (intelligence and smarts).

Add on: a thumbs down! lol hmmm my guess some one on either end of the curve didn't like my answer lol.

2007-03-24 07:35:52 · answer #7 · answered by Stone K 6 · 1 1

Both ends of the spectrum have some pretty outrageous fanatics. Sadly, the vast majority in the middle puts up with it.

2007-03-24 07:30:32 · answer #8 · answered by coragryph 7 · 2 1

You forgot the the 'champions', e.g. Hannity, Limbaugh and Coulter. When them in the Rights' camp they must win by a landslide.

2007-03-24 07:35:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Right wing extremists like Limbaugh and Hannity and Zionists.

2007-03-24 07:35:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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