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my pool heater work go on.i checked all wiring (none broken) i have reset the 60amp circut breaker still did not go on . I have power into the box where the breaker is,power is going into the breaker,what else?/ help

2007-03-24 04:58:18 · 3 answers · asked by gee-o 1 in Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

3 answers

USA Check and make sure all switches and controls are properly set - thermostat is set at the right temp, timer is on, etc... Start checking for power at the circuit breaker panel, and work your way to the heater, and at the heater check every switch. Is the heater 220 volt? Make sure you have 220 going to the unit if it is needed. Check for power at the main switch at the heater, and at the thermostat. Somewhere, some device is either not getting power, or is getting it but not sending it on to the next place it is needed.

2007-03-24 05:42:18 · answer #1 · answered by Dave 5 · 0 0

Do you have power at the heater itself? If so it could be the following things.

Low water flow - Heaters have a pressure switch. If the water flow is not up to the required pressure the
unit will not turn on. The easiest way to test this is to turn your filters multi-port valve to recirculate (if you have this option) this will buy pass the filter. If this works you need to clean your filter or possibly replace the media inside it. Another low flow possibility could be a clogged or partially clogged impeller in your pump. (This is very common if you have pine trees in your yard) If this is the case your pressure gauge on the filter would be reading very low, also would would have poor suction in your skimmers and little to no flow coming out of your returns.

If it is not a low flow issue, them it still could be a number of things. It could be:

If it is a millivolt heater - the pilot could be out.
A faulty gas valve
a faulty ignition module - if it has electronic spark
a bad hi limit switch
a bad low limit switch
damaged internal wiring (Sometimes rodent chew the wires)

Depending on your electrical prowess you may be able to test these your self, or hire a pool professional.

2007-03-24 21:36:21 · answer #2 · answered by bnodell915 1 · 2 0

check pwr going out of bkr. bkr. may be bad, check pwr. at switch of heater.

2007-03-24 12:12:50 · answer #3 · answered by Bruce K 3 · 0 0

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