Something that looked like an old dehydrated hot dog under a sofa. I wish I had a CSI team to be sure...It was so old, it made a permanent burn into the carpet!
2007-03-23 18:10:06
answer #1
answered by Sallie W 4
One time I rented a motel room with kitchenette. So I went shopping came back to motel, turned on oven to heat before sticking the meat pie in it. About 05 minutes later I started to smell this ungodly stink, followed it to the oven. Upon opening door I found a old mouldy TV dinner already in there. YUCK!!
!5 years ago and still can remember the story and it's stinch!
2007-03-24 00:50:28
answer #2
answered by Bluelady... 7
A friend of mine once left a ham in the oven. Someone else discovered it months later. It was moldy and tainted. It might have even had hair on it, who knows? B-)
2007-03-24 00:46:45
answer #3
answered by natobanato2 4
One time I left a sack of grapes in my bed because I was reading and eating, and 6 weeks later, when I was cleaning under my bed, I discovered that the grapes had fallen under the bed and were growing mold.
2007-03-24 00:47:36
answer #4
answered by Megz 1
I hunt deer. Had a head in my freezer because I wanted the antlers. Forced to work out of state for a couple months and forgot to cut off the antlers. When I got home, my freezer no longer worked. wasn't pretty.
2007-03-24 00:58:30
answer #5
answered by Mikey Brainfart 1
I would have to say McDonalds fries, don't these things ever break down or get mold on them. So I had no idea how long they had been under the couch cushion.
2007-03-24 00:50:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Moldy bread under my bed.
2007-03-24 00:44:58
answer #7
answered by ╣♥╠ 6
I don't know. It was blue and furry but a team of specialists are still trying to figure out what it was originally. More taxpayer dollars at work...
2007-03-24 00:45:52
answer #8
answered by pookiemct07 5
A hostess twinkie under the seat in my car. It didn't taste bad though. Although when it came back up, it was kind of yucky.
2007-03-24 00:47:29
answer #9
answered by johN p. aka-Hey you. 7
Rotten potatoes in the cub board. Ewwww.
2007-03-24 00:45:54
answer #10
answered by Mrs. Fuzzy Bottoms 7