Get in contact with Battered Womens shelters... he's controlling you... and abusing you... tell them the same things you've told us and they'll enlighten you a bit more... if not... at least visit their website... I put one website below... but you can find many many more online... simply by doing a google/yahoo search
2007-03-23 16:55:18
answer #1
answered by grimmy19812000 3
This is a form of abuse, verbal abuse, you really need to get out of this relationship. He is controlling you, he figures if your nervous driving you won't leave him. I would contact the police department and ask to be transferred to a domestic violence shelter, they will help you get a fresh start in life They will provide you with shelter, clothing and food while you get yourself established in a job and eventually rent you an apartment. If I could be so bold as to make a suggestion. Instead of renting a house or an apartment, why not buy yourself an RV, that way you can move to a beach town, wait tables if you have to. Once you find where it is that you want to live, check out Home Depot, they are always hiring and it is a good company to work for, they will train you, and you can transfer any where in the country with that company,. You didn't mention any children so I took it for granted that there aren't any. Good Luck. You really don't have to live like this. I would just walk down to the convience store and call the non emergency police line and ask them to take you to a shelter. Only the police can take you there, because it is in a hidden location, where no man is allowed. You have to sign a paper stating that you will never tell your ex where the shelter is. I was in one in Daytona Beach Florida and one lady told her ex, he came there and killed her and a counselor. That is why it is so important that you never disclose the location. Good Luck
2007-03-24 00:07:57
answer #2
answered by Cheryl 6
yes-being yelled at and controlled can make someone a nervous wreck. when i was growing up, my father yelled most of the time. partly because he was the type to do so, and partly because my mother was an alcoholic and didnt look after me,nor my brother and sister very well. by the time i was a teenager, much of my hair had fallen out, and i suffered from many health issues. i overcame all this by changing the way i looked at myself, and the world around me. i decided not to be anyones victim. i changed my attitude.and once i developed a new attitude, i slowly started to act more assertive. once i acted more assertive, things started changing for the better. but the most important thing that helped me to do all these things, was a belief in a power bigger than me, a belief in a benevolent God. i always knew that something was around that knew what was going on in my life, and wanted to help me ,if i wanted to help myself. best wishes
2007-03-24 00:11:05
answer #3
answered by DEBI M 3
This man is clearly controlling and verbally abusive. He will never change, and you need to leave him immediately. Seek out a women's shelter. If you do not know where to find one, you can search on the web. The shelter can give you all the information you need, a place to stay, someone to help you with the divorce, etc--and they will NEVER judge you! You deserve to be treated better.
ps--if you do look anything up on the internet, you should make sure you erase your browser's history and clear the cache.
2007-03-24 03:15:36
answer #4
answered by mamabear84 3
He is an abuser but you already know that. Abusers control. He is controlling your life by chipping away at your self esteem by yelling at you. Someone yelled at him a lot, right? His father? His mother? A brother? Who cares - he's using the same tactic on you.
Plan your escape before you become suicidal.
2007-03-24 00:09:49
answer #5
answered by Ade 6
I know exactly how you feel. Everyone on here has told me to split up with my husband but I disagree. I can't do that to him and our family. I really don't know what to tell ya cuz I'm going through the same thing. Pray to God and just keep hoping one day it will change. That's all you really can do.
2007-03-23 23:57:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think you need to get off the pity pot and start being a happy person. Yes, he yells at you, but no one causes someone else's depression, it's your own choice. Now get up and do something with your life and your marriage! Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself isn't doing you any good! Go spend some time with your husband and start doing the things you did when you two were dating. Have some fun already!
2007-03-23 23:53:15
answer #7
answered by SillyKimmie 4
What you have is a bad case of codependency. Your husband is being controlling and verbally abusive. You'll never be happy if you don't learn to stand up for yourself. I reccommend a book called codependent no more by Melodie Beatte. I have a blog,
2007-03-23 23:54:57
answer #8
answered by :-) literary cappy 4
You are in an abusive relationship. You need to leave and start a new life. Look for a local womens shelter for domestic violence.
2007-03-23 23:53:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
if he don't stop treating you that way and let you drive and get out some you need to leave him and file for a divorce you deserve to be happy not sad
2007-03-23 23:55:11
answer #10
answered by sweetgranny06 7