Gay people are people too and the deserve the same rights as everyone else. I feel it's sexual discrimination to limit their rights. What people do in their own bedrooms and in their own personal lives is no one else concern. I feel people should learn to keep their nose out of other peoples personal life.
I feel preventing gay people the right to get married is intruding on their rights. Religion and State are two separate things and everyone has the RIGHT to their own religion. I feel the fact they have been banning gay marriages is all about the religion. It's not the "Christian way". Religion should not set our laws!!!
2007-03-23 16:50:15
answer #1
answered by larrys_babygurl_4life 4
Well, you're hardly getting a representative sample this way, but I agree with it. Committed, stable gay couples already exist, and many of them consider themselves married even though they don't have the piece of paper (and a lot of rights that go with it). They are raising children (some through adoption, some through previous marriages, some through IVF), they are buying houses, they are living life as families. So it doesn't make sense to deny them the legal benefits that go along with that.
As for your second question, I don't think it will affect our country at all, other than make some people upset for a while. However, hopefully as the atmosphere becomes more accepting, more gay people will come out and everyone can see that gay people are just like anyone else.
2007-03-23 17:01:32
answer #2
answered by Surely Funke 6
Marriage is a loving bond and spiritual commitment between two people who love each other, not our government. I'm Gay. If I decide I love some one to tangle up with financially, and any other way, I will find a way. I'm not waiting for Joe Hick Fundie to approve.
Still I believe that I should have the same legal rights as heterosexuals.
I think this whole marriage thing being sacred for only a male and female completely bogus. When I worked in a bindery (making books / printing), when we would merge one component with another we called it "marrying"... Sh*t, if the book and its cover can get "married", then so can I!!!!
PS. Just because I can doesn't mean I will. Relationships are a B-itch!
2007-03-23 17:02:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I agree with it. I'm not gay, but what is wrong with letting gays get married. It isn't hurting our society or at least I don't think it is. I personally don't think it will affect our country in a bad way. People who are against gays really have no reason to. It isn't their life and if it bothers them so much go to a different country. Sounds mean, but how would they feel if they were born gay (couldn't help it) and weren't able to get married to someone they really loved. And I would also like to mention that people who think gay people wanted to make themselves gay are wrong. They need to realize it is something the person was born with.
2007-03-23 16:51:22
answer #4
answered by KT 3
I think they ought to be at least allowed a marriage license with the same benefits as heterosexual couples. I couldn't care less whether they get a good ol' conservative church based marriage or not. They are Americans and deserve the same rights as everyone else. I also think they ought to be able to adopt. I've done a lot of diggin into the subject and it would seem to me that a lot of children raised by gay couples turn out to be better people than a lot of straight couple's children. And they do NOT molest the children they adopt, and most children reared by homosexuals are straight, not that it would really matter if they weren't but I thought you close-minded neo-conservative nazi's of thought and social progress might like to know this fact.
2007-03-23 16:50:41
answer #5
answered by Friedrich Nietzsche 1
Every human being has rights, the same rights as others. In America we should have realized our practices of limiting rights a long time ago, but it continues.
In Dred Scott vs. Sanford, in 1856 Chief Justice Roger Taney (speaking for the majority) said that people of African descent were not meant to be included in the Constitution and therefore had none of the rights it entailed.
This decision was obviously overturned later on, but it's a good example of showing how things can start badly but change for the good when we put people of common sense in power.
Also look up Plessy vs Ferguson and the Scopes Monkey Trial for other examples of things starting badly but ending up for the better.
2007-03-23 16:55:25
answer #6
answered by rock d 2
I agree with all rights for everyone. I also believe that gays should have the right to marry the person they love, just as everyone else does. I'm not sure I'll ever understand what the big deal about gays getting married. It won't affect our country; only hate will. Good question.
2007-03-24 12:14:07
answer #7
answered by S.F. Girl 4
I agree with it because everyone should be free to marry who they choose. It's more than just a piece of paper and a ceremony you must be married in some cases to visit your loved one in the hospital, and adopt children. It's not like marriage has been a moral holy union over the last 100 years that it's been excluded to straight people and divorce and adultery have run rampid.
2007-03-23 16:52:31
answer #8
answered by teresacmt 5
My neighbors have been together for 30 years but one of them wants to move to Canada (to get married) and the other one does not (he says that the government is trying to "run out the Gays"). Now they argue here and there. I think that marriage should be for everyone. If it is allowed in the U.S I think that a lot of people will be happy but some crazy nut jobs will be angry.
2007-03-23 17:36:38
answer #9
answered by : ) 6
I believe that marriage is simply a public celebration of love. Christians always say gays shouldn't ruins the sanctity of marriage, but thats BS. It is not their place to deny 2 people in love. To me what goes on behind closed doors is their business, and if they have the spine to come out in public and declare the special kind of love that marriages are made of: then i applaud them for doing it. This world needs to become more tolerant.
2007-03-23 16:51:46
answer #10
answered by Nate 1