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He has played on the WPT.

2007-03-23 15:21:57 · 3 answers · asked by Ralphie 1 in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

3 answers

Douglas Engelbart.

Windows, made famous by Microsoft so-named program. In actuality, windows for computer systems were invented by Douglas Engelbart, in the 60s, at Stanford Research Institute. It was put into development in the 70s by the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, the patent was then sold to IBM. IBM thought it was a useless OS at the time and Steve Jobs of Apple computer fame bought it and were the first computer manufacturer to sell it commercially. Bill Gates basically reversed engineered the Apple OS and branded it Windows and the rest is history as they say.

2007-03-23 15:30:08 · answer #1 · answered by Gman 4 · 0 0

Like television, which had many inventions contributing to the eventual black and white 525 line NTSC system, led to color and so on, the concept of "windows" goes back into the 1970s. Jobs and Wozniak and Gates et al at Microsoft all had their own ideas for running multiple processes simultaneously on the same screen in a graphic interface. While some say Gates stole Windows from Apple, this is rather simplistic and not quite correct. Many were working on this vital concept at the time, including the NCSA, National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with it's never completely realized X Windows, abandoned mainly because it was commercially obsoleted. NCSA developed the Mosaic browser, father of IE and Netscape/Mozilla and variants.

Windows 1.0 in 1981 was called an "operating environment" by Microsoft and was an 8-bit system. It did not catch on well until sometime after version 2 and 16-bit operability. Version 3.1 and 3.11 Windows for Workgroups (what would evolve into NT, 2000 and XP

I do not know what a WPT is so I cannot verify that part of your query.

2007-03-23 16:16:34 · answer #2 · answered by _ 4 · 1 0

No single person wrote Windows, even the first version.

2007-03-23 15:25:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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