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2007-03-23 14:50:10 · 11 answers · asked by luker 3 in Sports Wrestling

11 answers

The Undertaker has always been portrayed by one man, Mark Callaway, but the gimmick of The Undertaker has changed quite a few times since he debuted in 1990:

First One: Western Mortician (November 1990-January 1994) was the original Undertaker, removed after casket match with Yokozuna at Royal Rumble 1994

Second One: Deadman (August 1994-October 1996): Returned at Summerslam 1994 as the Deadman gimmick, donning the purple gloves & boots, was buried alive by Mankind at In Your House 11: Buried Alive

Third One: Lord Of Darkness (November 1996-December 1998): Returned as the Lord Of Darkness, donning the black leather attire, this version of the Undertaker won him is 2nd WWE Championship regin, particpated in the first Hell In A Cell Match, the first Inferno match & was the first Undertaker to main event Wrestlemania. Was Buried Alive by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin at In Your House 26: Rock Bottom

Fourth One: Minister Of Darkness (January 1999-December 1999): After being buried alive, Undertaker returned and formed "The Ministry Of Darkness", he won his 3rd WWE Title during this gimmick, Undertaker took a break at the end of 1999 to rest up an injury.

Fifth One: American Badass/Big Evil (May 2000-November 2003): Returned at Judgment Day 2000 & interffered in the Iron Man Match between The Rock & Triple H. This Gimmick was extremely well recieved by the fans as it showed a more human side to the Undertaker & also reflected Mark Callaway's real life personality. He won his 4th and so far last WWE Title reign during this gimmick. Was buried alive by Vince McMahon at Survivor Series

Sixth One: The Phenom (March 2004-?): Returned at Wretlemania 20 to fight his brother Kane (who helped Mr. McMahon bury him alive). This gimmick's attire is a combination of all the previous gimmicks put together. This gimmick is the first Undertaker to win the Royal Rumble Match

2007-03-24 03:27:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

but 1994 there was an undertaker vs a faje undertake maatch and that undertake was played by bryan lee AKA chains of the DOA

2007-03-24 00:24:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Western Mortician
2. Dead Man
3. Lord of Darkness
4. Minister of Darkness
5. American Bad ***
6. Big Evil
7. The Phenom

2007-03-23 22:31:36 · answer #3 · answered by no more heroes 2001 5 · 0 0

Mark Calloway is the same Undertaker since 1990. There was the fake one in the summer of 1994 but the real one destroyed him at summer slam that year. the fake taker was played by brian lee of ecw fame, who also was chainz in wwe.

2007-03-23 22:45:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There has only been one Undertaker. Played by Mark Calaway

2007-03-23 21:54:46 · answer #5 · answered by KISS Fan 7 · 0 0

Theres been the orignal,purple gloves deadman,the western mortican, lord of darkness, Minstry of Darkness, American Badass, Big evil, and the current dead man. all played by mark calloway also at one time in wwf there was an undertaker to take on mark calloway

2007-03-23 22:05:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There's only one undertaker...anyone else is a cheap immitation.

2007-03-23 21:57:28 · answer #7 · answered by malthisar 3 · 0 0

5 including his 1 time counterpart

2007-03-23 21:53:41 · answer #8 · answered by # 1 Edge head (Mr DEDEDE) 3 · 0 0

Theres been the orignal,purple gloves deadman,the western mortican, lord of darkness, Minstry of Darkness, American Badass, Big evil, and the current dead man. thats all of them

2007-03-23 22:03:37 · answer #9 · answered by Big Show Save_Us.222 2nd coming 3 · 2 0

Just 1 you fool

2007-03-23 21:54:41 · answer #10 · answered by Sweet 2 · 0 0

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