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What is the value in result at the end of execution of each of these lines of
code? Each part is independent.
int x = 5;
int y = 7;
int z = 9;
int result = 0;

a. if (x < y)
result = z;

b. if (x==y)
result = z;
result = y;

c. if (z < x && x != y)
result = x;

d. if (z < x || x != y)
result = x;

e. if ( ! ( z >= x && y ==z)
result = x;

2007-03-23 14:01:31 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

2 answers

a. result = 0; since x is less than y
b. result = 7; since x is not equal to y
c. result = 0; since false and true is false
d. result = 5; since false or true is true
e. result = 5; since not false is true

2007-03-23 15:21:47 · answer #1 · answered by ru_bled1010 2 · 0 0

just plug the numbers where the letters go

a: 5 is less than 7 so answer is 9
b: 7
c: 0
d: 5
e: 0

Let me know what you get on your homework...

2007-03-23 14:07:51 · answer #2 · answered by spl 4 · 0 0

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