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I respect other peoples views and i don't smoke near non smokers and i just really don't want to hear your lectures!...This is my body, my life and it's really NOT a cardinal sin!........So what do YOU do that i disagree with?

2007-03-23 13:33:11 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

25 answers

I don't believe you when you say you don't smoke near non-smokers.

If that were true, people wouldn't be commenting about your smoking.

2007-03-23 13:37:27 · answer #1 · answered by Vegan 7 · 3 5

I really want to know why the British government is so deeply involved in all of this.
It will soon be illegal to smoke in public areas like pubs and restaurants.
Are those establishments not able to make a decision about if or no they will allow smoking on their premises?
What business is it of a government that benefits by many millions of pounds over and above the cost of treating smoking related diseases if an establishment allows smoking?
Who is going to pay the lost revenue?
If a pub, for example, hangs a notice on its door saying "This is a no smoking pub", then, fair enough, I can make a choice as to whether or not I go in there and spend my money. A non smoker can, equally, make a choice if the pub has a sign that says "This is a smoking pub".
I don't see the need for government enforcement at all. But they do like to get involved - don't they?
Like you, I don't inflict my smoking on others, and always (at a minimum as a visitor in someone's house, for example) pick up on if or no smoking is OK. If it's not, I don't. Dead simple. Why should it be any different in a public place?
Nanny State.
How long before there is someone at the check-out in your local supermarket judging your weight, and saying "You can't buy that, it's fattening and you are too heavy already"? Perhaps they'll want to weigh your entire family before checking your weekly shop.
I wish it were.

2007-03-23 23:10:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a non-smoker, I think the only crime you're commiting is to your own body, but as you said, it's yours, and if you really don't smoke around non-smokers, then you aren't doing anyone any harm, so I say, each to their own. That said, I do think smoking should be banned in restaurants, it only takes two minutes to pay then go to the bar, even in non- smoking areas the smoke still travels, but I certainly don't have a problem with smoking in general,it's just not my thing.

2007-03-23 20:52:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hi...You sound like a very reasonable and considerate person.....

I smoke too, and I don't feel that it is a sin to smoke on its own..

However, we all know what a. smoking b. excessive drinking or c. doing drugs......does to our bodies.

I do feel for those who do not smoke, eg barstaff, whereby they go home from a nightshift in the pub or club reeking of tobacco; and the effects of passive smoking.

Hopefully, it will be a good thing when the ban comes in, as I know loads of smokers who would love to give up, who think that being able to smoke makes them smoke more, myself included. I can't smoke in my parents' home, so I don't. I only smoke where and when I am allowed, therefore, if it is not allowed, I won't.

Maybe then, I can give up for good, along with about 80% of my friends, family and work colleagues.

Let's just try it, for our own health, and if it doesn't work, we can continue to smoke. But just away from those who choose not to..... Just as your very reasonable and considerate question indicated.

(By the way, in answer to your question about what do I do that you disagree with: maybe: I drink a fair bit, maybe about 2 bottles of wine a week, I am a veggie (but I don't stand on my soapbox) and I love non-chart music!!)


2007-03-23 21:14:42 · answer #4 · answered by Pagan 2 · 1 0

i am a smoker and totally agree with you.i dont gamble,take drugs,thieve off people,burgal peoples houses,i have respect for non smokers and wont smoke around someone who i know dislikes it,but its us smokers who are getting a hard time at the moment,while all the druggies, burgallers and rapists are getting a slapped wrist and not a mention on yahoo answers.i've had 4 family members who have had cancer and none of them smoked and sadly they passed away,i have had 3 family members who have smoked for over 30 years,who have developed cancer but been given the all clear,my mum is going through radiotherapy at the moment,(after being given the all clear) for breast cancer,she has been a smoker for 35 yrs, at the end of the day i dont go out(i've got 4 kids), my time goes to them,smoking is my enjoyment,and the budget will not put me off,

2007-03-23 21:01:13 · answer #5 · answered by stokies 6 · 2 0

Cleo, we are in a nanny state. However, until such times as those overweight, overpaid, philandering, murdering,ego motivated,patronising twats set a real good example you light up girl. Gotta go, need to have a smoke with a strong black sweet coffee and a bacon and egg roll followed by a danish, another coffee and probably another smoke!!!!!

2007-03-23 22:56:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If it's not a cardinal sin, then it's a venial sin. Either way, as a smoker, I do feel like I have been targeted financially, and socially.

2007-03-23 20:39:34 · answer #7 · answered by treasureyourself 4 · 1 0

I agree with you 100% and while I'm still paying for them and making lots of money for the government then all the self righteous non-smokers can go and take a long walk off a short pier!

2007-03-23 20:37:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

So you have met these self appointed Health police, Can you imagine in the last War going up to the pilot's when climbing out of there spitfires Hey you -you cant smoke hear,? and telling Churchill of for smoking in the blitz,

2007-03-23 20:59:43 · answer #9 · answered by denis9705 5 · 1 0

its because people no how bad it is for u and that is how a lot of them show it, but it is an addiction, not usually ur own choice unless u dont have anything better to live for without doing it, which wud be sad. Any one has the freedom to, but a lot of them dont realize that because they get to involved in what is going on with them at this moment, and an addiction makes you think that way even more.

2007-03-23 20:41:14 · answer #10 · answered by echer perros 2 · 0 0

If you are truly respectful of non-smokers, you are not the problem. The problem is the smokers who stand at the door of buildings, things like malls and schools, so that we have no choice but to walk through their poisonous smoke with our kids. The smokers who yell about having to take it outside so that my kids and I aren't forced to breathe it. It you are one of the few respectful smokers, I applaud you. My parents spent my whole life not caring about me, my choice or my lungs. I have had several battles with my hubby over smoking in the house near our kids, that's who we fight with.

2007-03-23 20:40:26 · answer #11 · answered by Momofthreeboys 7 · 2 1

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