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Do you gain a lot of weight? I am considering it, but don't want to gain weight.

I am on the pill, but one side effect with it makes me really uncomfortable. The thing is that even if an egg is fertalized, the hormones in the pill make it impossible for the egg to implant itself in the uterus wall. Obviously if I were to have a fertilized egg I would want it to be able to grow. And I know with the shot it is rare that the egg wouldn't be able to implant.

I just don't want to get fat. :( Any info will help me out!

2007-03-23 12:51:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

10 answers

Oh my goodness!

My daughter used this shot when a freshman in college and gained 30 pounds! She only had 1 shot.

Yeah, it ruined her figure. But it is very effective and simple to use. Hurts a bit when you get it though.

But, it may not be worth the weight gain. She was warned and thought she could control the gain but wasn't able to.

P.S. Her friends found that the use of "the ring" was a lot better choice. Look into that one!

2007-03-23 12:56:12 · answer #1 · answered by Sweet Harley 2 · 0 0

First of all... with any type of birthcontrol there is a small chance of still getting pregnant, there is nothing that makes it "impossible".

Secondly... the pill can make you gain weight just as easy as the shot. I had the shot, and I hated it. I ended up having my period for 45 days straight. It took almost 6 months to get out of my system and messed up my cycle big time.

You really should talk to your doctor about what birth controls actually do... (in regards to your implantation speculations)

2007-03-23 12:57:36 · answer #2 · answered by shugarmagnolia420 4 · 0 0

Yes u do gain weight, but it's great, because after the first six months or so, normally your period stops alltogether for awhile, usually untill after u stop getting the injections all together, and you don't have to remember to take everyday like the pill, one injection lasts for 3 months. You really wont gain any more weight than you would with the pill. The longer your on it, the weight gradually comes on., NOT like the pill that seemed to put the weight on alot quicker....

2007-03-23 13:12:24 · answer #3 · answered by ? 1 · 0 1

It really depends on your body whether you gain weight on the shot or not. I have 2 friends who were both getting the Depo shot, one gained 20 lbs and the other stayed the same weight. It really depends on your body. Just to be safe though, I wouldn't recommend it if you don't want to gain.

2007-03-23 13:07:16 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

I was on Depo Provera, the shot, and I gained alot of weight, and it really screwed my body up. I really would not recommend it myself, but everyone is different. Do some research into it , all the benefits and the side effects and then go and talk to your doctor about it, and he/she will be able to tell you if it is right for you. =]

2007-03-23 12:57:14 · answer #5 · answered by christiewes 3 · 0 0

might desire to abortion be used as a fashion of delivery administration-NO isn't it (no intercourse) extra effective than abortion-of direction! :) Reproductive freedom does not propose you could purely use "delivery administration" and then flow have intercourse with whoever. It potential you have a extensive responsibiity. you have a physique and might desire to look after it. via consistent with some little pill, a chew of latex, an IUD, and so directly to "safeguard" you, you deceive your self into believing you're being to blame. properly, that is not real. that is like donning your seatbelt and then working a purple easy going sixty 5 mph. hi, you have been being risk-free, you had your seatbelt on! Oh wait, that is nevertheless not risk-free. you're nevertheless placed your self in threat via doing the habit, in spite of the precautions you're taking. purely examine on right here on a given day what number unpredicted pregnancies have exceeded off on an identical time as a female replaced into on BC... and because all of us comprehend none of those approaches are foolproof, we'd desire to possess our selection and be grownup sufficient (as we've been grownup sufficient to have intercourse interior the 1st place) to allow that infant we chosen to create to stay. Our (the generalized inhabitants) difficulty might not be suited-we would possibly not hundreds of thousands interior the financial corporation, a school training, or what have you ever, yet that maintains to be a human existence. that is approximately accountability for one's selection (intercourse is the alternative) AND making a determination-can we value existence or our convenience and convenience extra? era. there is relatively no different selection. existence starts off at concept, not implantation-that is scientific and scientific certainty. So what can we've faith-existence has value, or my convenience/convenience has extra value? (and rape/incest money owed for a million-3% of ALL abortions performed. Likewise for a woman's wellness/existence... whether, existence and wellness are 2 completely seperate subject concerns, and rape/incest is under no circumstances the fault of the baby and via killing a infant, the female isn't undoing the violation she experienced and is purely furthering the soreness that the "guy" inflicted on her...)

2016-10-19 11:24:28 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Oh ya! I have 4 friends including myself n I'm not now but when I was as well as them each of us gained 25 pounds or more.A couple of us where really skinny n couldn't stop it from happening.Then I kept thinking I was pregnant cuz I was getting symptoms as though I was n they where side effects.So needless to say I don't recommend it n nor do any of my friends.

2007-03-23 13:00:15 · answer #7 · answered by too4barbie 7 · 0 0

Go to your Dr. or Planned Parenthood. I have heard that you can gain weight with the shot tho. Everyones bodies react different to that type of stuff.

2007-03-23 12:58:19 · answer #8 · answered by Phone girl 1 · 0 0

I dont recommend it because it really screwed up my period. My period is still screwed up 12 yrs later. I am not convinced that the two are not connected. Lawsuit anyone?

2007-03-23 12:57:09 · answer #9 · answered by starryeyed75 4 · 0 0

thanks for telling me about the birth controll thing...yeah i did gain weight i 1st got my perido when i was 11 and i was wicked tiny i mean right now im not fat or obease(sorry i cant spell)but then im smaller then most people my age.

2007-03-23 18:19:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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