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Before 2000 is going to be the difficult part for most of our young fans so let's do some reasearch and have lots of fun doing this if you feel up to it. I'll check back in a few hours or tomorrow evening if possible good luck to all, And have FUN!!

2007-03-23 12:12:16 · 7 answers · asked by S.O.S. 5 in Sports Football (American)

7 answers

To get this right, you have to subject football and basketball to positions. Wrestling needs to be subjected as to impact on its popularity.

Let's start off with football
QB: Joe Montana-Though not a Niners fan, I still was amazed at how he could lead a team to victory.
RB: Jim Brown-By far the greatest at his position. Only back to average over 5 yrds. a carry and over a 100 yrds. a game in a career.
WR: Jerry Rice-could turn a simple 5 yrd. pass into a big gain or a TD.
TE: Kellen Winslow Sr.-Gave Raiders and I fits over the years he played. Still hold record of yardage gained in a season by a TE.
Lineman: Art Shell-Saved Lamonica's, Stabler's, and Plunkett's behind more time I can count.
D Lineman: Joe Greene-Not nicknamed "Mean Joe Greene" because he liked picking daisies, unless a qb or rb last is Daisy. Then after picking, he usually slammed you to the ground and said something derogatory about your mama.
Linebacker: Dick Butkus-RBs and QBs feared him more than being gored by a one ton bull.
Safety: Ronnie Lott-he continued the tradition of hard hitting DBs.
Cornerbacks: I am picking two. Jack Tatum and Lester Hayes. Jack was a ferocious hitter and Hayes seemed to have the ability to pick off a pass thrown behind him.

PG: Magic Johnson-Turned Lakers into showtime with his gift of assists.
SG: Michael Jordan-Six rings in seven years. Made the impossible shots look possible. And #1 in pnts. per game for career.
SF: Larry Bird-Great shooter, passer, and free throw shooter.
Turned Celtics around to win three more rings.
PF: Kevin McHale-Players dreaded driving the lane due to his long arms.
C: Wilt "the Stilt" Chamberlain-I consider the greatest overall. Stats/30.1 ppg; 20 rbg. for a career. Still hold season best in ppg./50 and rbg. 30. Is also only center to ever lead league in assist.

Wrestling (Pro)
Hulk Hogan-reason WWF (now WWE) gained popularity and reason Vince McMahon started the big wrestling venues events.
Ric Flair-18 time World Heavyweight Champion and rivaled Hulk Hogan in popularity. Known for his great stamina.
Bruno Sammartino-held WWWF championship longer than any other wrestler. When he lost the title to Ivan Koloff, a riot nearly ensued and he Ivan had to be rushed out of the arena.
Bill Goldberg-his 152 win streak at the start of his career may never be topped.
Steve Austin-reason WWF (WWE) returned to prominance and started beating WCW in the ratings war.

2007-03-23 23:27:05 · answer #1 · answered by LDS of Three and Loving It 3 · 0 0

Starting with Basketball:
Michael Jordan - Best ever
Larry Bird - Revived the Celtics dynasty and helped vault the NBA to new levels of popularity by way of his rivalry with....
Magic Johnson - Anchored the Lakers throughout the eighties.
Bill Russell - 5 time MVP, first black head coach, he truly did it all
Wilt Chamberlain - Possibly the greatest talent until Jordan appeared

Joe Montana - The QB against whom everyone since has been measured.
Jim Brown - If he couldn't out run you he'd run over you.
Jerry Rice - No other WR can touch him
Lawrence Taylor - Singlehandedly made the left tackle position one of the most important on the field and could control the game from the weak side backer position
Dick Butkus - retired 34 years ago and 34 years from now he'll still be the standard that middle linebackers will be measured against.

Wrestling (I'm assuming pro, but since I don't know any real wrestlers it doesn't really matter):
Hulk Hogan - the best ever, however nobody knows this but he died ten years ago in the ring and McMahon had a robot made of him so he could keep going. That's why he looks the same as he did twenty years ago.
Ric Flair - gotta give it up for a guy who made a career out of getting everybody else over. could do it for anybody and that's not easy.
Superstar Billy Graham - hard core waaaay before anybody else, waaaay ahead of his time.
Ultimate Warrior - for a short time outshone the Hulkster
Andre the giant - forget what I said about Hogan. Andre was the best ever

2007-03-23 13:03:24 · answer #2 · answered by Magilla G 2 · 0 0

Wrestlers : Ric Flair, Nick Bockwinkel. Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Jake Roberts

Football : Lawrence Taylor, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Mike Singletary,Emmitt Smith

Basketball : Michael Jordan, Wilt Chamberlain, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Bill Russell

2007-03-23 16:16:36 · answer #3 · answered by Jay C 3 · 0 0

Football: Jime Thorpe, Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Walter Payton, Barry Sanders

Basketball: Wilt Chamberlin, Micheal Jordan, Larry Bird, Majic Johnson, Kareem Abdul Jabar

can't say for wrestling, don't know any

2007-03-23 12:19:25 · answer #4 · answered by hipo8000 5 · 0 0

Honestly the best wrestler is so subjective since it's all fake.. but I'll just go with my faves from childhood.
Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka
Andre The Giant
Bruno Sammartino
Bob Backlund (an actual olympic wrestler)
Sgt. Slaughter

2007-03-23 16:09:52 · answer #5 · answered by rosenfrozen69 3 · 0 0


2017-03-02 10:01:39 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

wrestling just isnt a greastest ever type of thing, football, george blanda, chuck bednarik, jim thorpe, steve van buren, joe montana, basketball, julius erving, darrel dawkins, wilt chamberlin, micheal jordan, and larry bird

2007-03-23 13:02:21 · answer #7 · answered by were making fiction of our lives 2 · 0 0

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