I use a shop vac . and they do stink and they do bite .god forbid if you should get one in your mouth or on your lips while sleeping there is nothing on earth as bitter or foul you cant spit the taste out. sometimes when they bite there will be a big bruise where ever they bite you. I know this from experence . I have heard a vanilla candle will deter them from coming in the house. I will try this in the fall
2007-03-24 15:27:22
answer #1
answered by vinel10 4
Ladybug Removal
2016-10-16 06:40:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You sure they are lady bugs or box elder bugs. One is round the other is more elongated. One is a beetle, the other a bug, but let's not get technical (beetles have hard outer wings like shells, bugs outerwings are more leathery and often fold over one another...anyway) They could also be elm leaf beetles..........but anyway, they were hibernating inside over winter and now want outside. Use the vacuum....a small shop vac is handy to move around, just squirt Raid in when you are finished to kill what's in there. Then put in a bag and throw away.
These overwintering bugs start moving inside around Labor Day, so you have all summer to chaulk all the windows and doors, chaulk under door thresholds, around the house foundation where there may be cracks, check the roof vents for missing or bent screen, etc. These overwintering guests are harmless, they aren't feeding, they are just hanging out.....freaking out your child, sorry.
2007-03-23 11:22:29
answer #3
answered by fluffernut 7
If I had millions of ladybugs in my home, I would call Terminix & have then come over to spray/sprinkle. Isn't it worth it if your youngest daughter is scared of them? You could go to Lowe's or Home Depot & ask if they have a product that will eliminate them but personally, I think the job is too big for you.
2007-03-23 11:19:29
answer #4
answered by Shortstuff13 7
I sprayed Raid in all my window tracks. I also sprayed every little nuck and cranny around the windows. I got rid of them. I do this every year. If your windows open in it works a lot better.
2007-03-23 13:06:09
answer #5
answered by k h 4
Instead of spraying a potentially hazardous pesticide in your living quarters, how about you open up the window and let them out. I am sure they are just as excited to be stuck in the window as you are to have them.
2007-03-23 15:48:40
answer #6
answered by hyacinth_gardener 3
eeeew creepy...do they crawl all over everything and get in your bed at night? eeek!
looks like youll either have to call the exterminator or move! i dont know what to do other than that...maybe theyll just go away once summer comes, like they usually do.
2007-03-23 11:17:08
answer #7
answered by imcold07 3
They are NOT lady bugs. They are a canadian beetle. They bite, stink, and are not harmful. The BEST solution is to vacuum, vacuum, vacuum!
2007-03-24 01:35:26
answer #8
answered by saaanen 7
wow! ladybugs are good luck! Pest control?
2007-03-23 11:17:21
answer #9
answered by Babe 5