I hope you're really unattractive, because if you aren't, and you live with 3 guys, there is bound to be hooking up, and drama. Just be careful.
2007-03-23 10:26:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Umm that would be very risky if you want to find a condo or something I would try to find one with some girls in it first priority. And to the person that said Gilmore Girls this isn't a movie this is real life. I mean if one of the guys get drunk or something and those guys seem cool now but you never know.
2007-03-23 10:28:11
answer #2
answered by skipper.2666 3
Bad idea. Even if they seem really cool now, they may be sexual predators or such (because it seems you haven't really known them). Even if the guys are nice, they may have to fulfill "manly instincts". They might try to take advantage of having a female in the house. I would suggest moving into a place with all girls or trying to afford a cheap house by yourself. But if you really want to move in with these guys, I think you should check them out first. See if they have any bad history because you never know.
2007-03-23 10:33:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm not a female but it depends on the perspective. Your parents and your boyfriend present or future is not gonna like it too much. But the guys that you are gonna be rooming with I'm sure they will find it very beneficial. If I were you I would give just a tad more thought, but hey I'm a guy myself what do I know.
2007-03-23 10:28:06
answer #4
answered by mandingo28 1
yeah, im sure in your limited interaction with these guys you could determine if one or all of them would get you drunk and train you, set up a hidden webcam in your room and broadcast you over the internet, stumble into your room one night and rape you, if they are thieves, if they are drug users who might pin it on you if they got caught.
It is never a good idea to move in with people that you dont really know anything about. For your own safety, keep looking.
2007-03-23 10:31:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I personally don't think that's the safest option in the world. I'm not saying anything against their character, just that you might want to explore some other choices.
2007-03-23 10:27:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i once stayed with 2 girls. the only thing for me was that all my buds thought i was banging both of them, which was not true. but for a girl it will most likely give u a not so good rep. but most of all don't start doing things that u will regret later. men can be very posissive and very jealus. walk on rice paper and be careful.
2007-03-23 10:27:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The first time I moved out, at 18, I lived with my best friend - who happens to be a guy. The only problem we ran into was the amount of "frat type partying" he did. I was in college, he wasn't... and he liked to have guy friends over all the time.
That being said, I think one of the more important questions you should have is what do they do on a day-to-day basis and what their general lifestyle is like. Are they clean? Do they cook? That sort of thing. Otherwise, there is no reason not to move in with a guy/guys.
Now, please consider not doing it if you don't know them but met them online. They may seem cool, but you just never know. I would agree with your parents in that it just appears unsafe and shouldn't put yourself in any compromising position. Just think smart and do what you feel is right - using the best "be safe" warnings, of course.
2007-03-23 10:30:45
answer #8
answered by itsjustfoolishness 3
I trust alot of your concepts (they're extremely good). the belief of having greater realism interior the sport sounds clean. i became getting so bored/aggravated of the cartoonish Sims 2, they'd desire to extremely "step up" the sport play interior the Sims 3 as you have already suggested on your concepts. you will desire to extremely deliver on your concepts to EA! i think of alot of Sim fan/gamers will agree including your concepts. * i certainly desire that they proceed to refine the Sims 3 instead of leaving it the way it incredibly is now. <:(
2016-10-01 09:31:01
answer #9
answered by barksdale 4
have u ever seen Gilmore Girls???
2007-03-23 10:25:30
answer #10
answered by Alien Demo 2